My Savior, My God – desperately do I need you… always. You are my Strength and all that is good within me … Desperately, continually I need you.
When I think I am doing good; I have things under control… I am so wrong. That is my pride talking because I am not in control… I cannot work all things out for good… only God can. It is God at work in me that brings forth the good. When I abide it is the fountain over flowing and when I try in my own strength I am drained and dry. Maybe I am speaking to you right now or maybe you have no idea what I am talking about…?
Recently, I have been diving back into the Book of Romans … and today really what I want share with you is from Rom. 7 and 5. If you can take a few minutes to read them for yourself before continuing on… I will include some excerpts below for you.
4 Therefore, my brethren, you also were made to die to the Law through the body of Christ, so that you might be joined to another, to Him who was raised from the dead, in order that we might bear fruit for God.5 For while we were in the flesh, the sinful passions, which were aroused by the Law, were at work in the members of our body to bear fruit for death.6 But now we have been released from the Law, having died to that by which we were bound, so that we serve in newness of the Spirit and not in oldness of the letter. Romans 7:4-6 (NASB)
Have you died to the Law? Things to think about … Am I living for the Law or for God? Am I under the Law or under Grace? Where is my heart here… Am I striving for perfectionism, being legalistic, seeking my own glory? OR is my life, my passion about love – about God, for His glory?
Verse 6 says serve in the newness of the Spirit not in oldness of the letter…. What does that mean to you?! The law does not deliver you, it does not save you…It shows you your need for God, your sin. It is in Christ we are saved, redeemed… it is the Spirit who gives us a new and divine nature… the Spirit that enables us to overcome, to persevere. The Spirit that frees us from sins hold and from death. Freedom from the law does not mean we are free to sin; freedom from the law instead frees us to truly serve. Freedom to experience grace and to show it to others… To know love and to give love… Serve in newness of the Spirit is what will happen; it is fruit that will be born from a redeemed life. A redeemed life is Spirit filled and led and thus it will say “Yes” and be in agreement with the Law. You will see a life that is the spirit of the Law, one that seeks the best – the utmost. Not out of legalism and condemnation but of love, truth and righteousness … desiring that others know and experience that which can only be found in Christ.
Have you read Romans 7:15 18-19, 21-25 … If you have that is me! That is my struggle… especially when I am trying to live rightly for God in my own strength… I can’t do it. I need God! When I abide and live according to the Spirit the LORD is my Strength and my guide and places my foot upon the right path. I am free and at peace, I do not fear… For I know who I am (Rom. 8:15-17).
So that brings me to my choice – today when I wake and tomorrow and the day after that… will I awake and say LORD reign in me today, have Your way?! That is my hope and my prayer and my choice that Christ will reign in me. May my life show that Christ reigns and I am living victoriously. Am I living as if I am defeated? If so arise, that is a lie of the Enemy for we are victorious through Christ Jesus who has given us the Holy Spirit. We have been set free… We are now conquerors… We are a Royal Priesthood… We are heirs… Stand up, Stand in the gap and remember we are called to pray! Remember that you are a warrior of the Most High and put on your full armor (Eph. 6:10-18) and take up your offensive weapons which is the Sword (The Word of God) and prayer! It is power!!! It is like dynamite to the enemy when you pray and pray speaking the Word, promises of God… The Enemy trembles and the heavens rejoice! I encourage you and myself today to reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ!
17 For if by the transgression of the one, death reigned through the one, much more those who receive the abundance of grace and of the gift of righteousness will reign in life through the One, Jesus Christ. Romans 5:17 (NASB)
Friday, November 27, 2009
Reign in Me
Created in truth & love by April at 3:15 PM 1 Remarks
Labels: Being Intentional, Christ, Glorifying, Heart Focus, Kingdom Living, The Word, victory
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Beauty in the Storm
As I sit here now snow is falling down upon us… It is a beautiful, majestic sight to behold, this winter storm with all its beauty & might. Outside my window is a blanket of white upon the ground and a wall of white in the air … So much symbolism. When you look you can’t see all the flakes just the wall and blanket but in it are individual flakes – all unique and different, Created by God just like you and me. A closer look and inspection would show you the beauty and finger print of God on each one, just like us. Close to my window you can see the flakes blowing and swirling around… it really is beautiful! I wonder and have to think is that how God sees us, His children, as we go about our daily lives… He sees the flakes the individuality and He sees the whole big picture and He thinks we are beautiful.
The Storm also reminds me that it is a display of God’s glory – His beauty – His majesty, power, might… We have such an awesome God! He is even more beautiful and mighty than this… We can only catch a glimpse and it is enough to awe us as we await what our eyes cannot now behold.
I am thankful to be sheltered/shielded from the storm. I am warm and protected in my home. It is another reminder to me of how God is our safe shelter, our shield, our protector and provider. The LORD surrounds us and even when we are surrounded by the storms of this life (our current circumstances, trails, etc.) we can be safe, secure, at peace, shielded under the wings of the Most High God! We can behold the storm and yet we are protected from it… Reminds me of the fiery furnace (Dan. 3) and Elijah in the storm. They were not harmed, though they were in the mist … instead in the middle of these times is when they had a personal encounter with God. Awesome! God is with us, He surrounds us… How amazing is His love… that Christ would come and die for me, cleansing me of my sin and rising to life that we may live with Him forever! I cannot get over His love nor do I ever want to… Cling to Jesus and let Him be the Rock and Shelter for you in all the storms of life and in all the joyous times too.
Two News Stories
I had to share these two news stories with you that I received from Breaking Christian News! Please click on the titles below and check them out!
Non-Gravitational Fifth Force
Law & Order Episode "Dignity" (Video clip)
Friday, October 23, 2009
Trust in Him
The LORD is so good to me... I cannot even fully wrap my mind around the vastness of His love, grace and mercy. Even when I am not, He is always faithful! Praise Him!
I sat down today and wrote in my journal before opening up my Esther Workbook and listening to Session 7. I don't know if what I am going to say will touch you as it does me but I feel the need to share this.
As I sat down I thought where has the time gone... I am almost to the end of this study! Not only that but just a brief thought to how quickly my life is flying by. It seems as if it wasn't that long ago I was in college or then a newlywed or even still that my son was just born... I thought Lord where has the time gone?! It goes by so quickly.... and I wrote: ...As I sit here LORD I think of how true Your Word is... Our days are fleeting, we are but dust. Why worry and be anxious, what does it gain us?! Trust in the LORD O my soul - all my being, trust Him and praise His Holy name... for He alone is worthy! LORD forgive me and my earthly (now) focus, help me to remember I am but dust and to live for Your glory.
Even now as I sit here and type it brings tears to my eyes... I am so touched by how much the Lord loves me (and you)... by how He knows and works all things out for good... by how He ordained today that after this was upon my heart I would listen to Session 7... the timing, wow - glory to Him!
As I listened to Beth speak at the intro to the Session she reminisced over these same thoughts of how quickly time has flown... and then the lesson began. We had previously learned about reversal of destiny and today looked at how every turn around starts with a step... So as we looked more closely at what this means and at Esther 7-8:2 so many things came to mind... I felt at one part the Spirit opening my heart and mind to thoughts that were triggered by things she was saying but were not what she was discussing. I wrote in the margin: Think of others in terms of all eternity... Love them! Love them to Jesus! (How many times do I try to logic them to Jesus and well if their heart is hardened and their mind closed it isn't going to happen... LOVE THEM!!! Love them as Jesus would - hate the sin but love the person).
Later in the Session Beth is discussing how trust reverses the detours of adversity into the highways of destiny. So here begins the trust part... so key! Trust the Lord O my soul... He is so faithful! She brings up what we had mentioned at the end of last session: It is tough being a woman who feels responsible for the "how". Then she brings up some verses:
(May this bless you!)
"The Lord knows how to rescue the godly from trials and to keep the unrighteous under punishment until the day of judgment." 2 Peter 2:9, HCSB
"For He knows how we are formed, he remembers that we are dust." Ps. 103:14
Please remember my journal entry! If not most of the session speaking directly to me ... this verse leapt off of the page at me!!! Wow! The chance of me writing that in my journal twice and in conjunction with trust and that verse being in the lesson... It had to be God! I got chills just now thinking about it. Beth went on to say that we should remember that God knows how - Trust Him! Faith is the victory...Trust comes before it happens - it is saying I believe you now (even when you can't see it/how)!!!
She then brought up Isa. 30:18. And talked about how longing and waiting are the same word in the original language and how when you are waiting longing is part of that...just as we wait on the Lord and long... He is waiting and longing too ... If we are waiting there is something we are waiting for - God has a reason, a plan... He knows and we need to trust and wait on Him. She said "Trust turns it all around"... as I even sit here thinking about that statement it occurs to me how true it is... because as we trust and wait on the Lord, He is faithful to not only bring good out of the bad, etc. but He is faithful to turn around/change us, our heart, our minds... that we can even yet praise Him in the storm we are in ... in our current circumstances. Even though nothing has changed yet outwardly - inwardly our faith grows and we are being transformed. We turn from thoughts that lead to a destructive pattern and turn to thoughts that are truth and life and give us peace and joy amid the circumstances we are in!
Wow! I know that it has been true in my life. How about yours? If not will you choose today to say "Lord, I will wait upon You. I will trust You and believe you are at work!"
One more thing, this is my verse of the day that was emailed to me from K-Love:
Be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for him to act. ~ Psalm 37:7, NLT
As I said, this may seem like a jumble of random thoughts but I pray the Holy Spirit will pull forth from them a gleaming truth and plant it in your heart and mind for His glory.
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Information & Guidance
Thought I would make note of the post today on The Mars Hill blog ... It is about Birth Control. Check it out and pray about it:
Pastor Mark on Birth Control
Created in truth & love by April at 3:07 PM 1 Remarks
Labels: Being Intentional, life, Prayer
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Coins Found in Egypt Bearing the Name and Image of the Biblical Joseph
Created in truth & love by April at 2:48 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Learning from Past, The Word
Thursday, September 17, 2009
It has been quite a week for me... conflicts, surprises (not of the fun kind), changes, stressors... on and on I could go. Yet in the face of all this I know there is the Lord who is seated on His throne and who reigns... He reigns and is in control... And it is my hope, my prayer that He reigns in me. I should also mention that I have seen God show up for me, strengthen me and help me through these times... He is faithful, He is my Strength and my help.
I fail at times, miserably, to be that lamp on a stand, city on a hill... yet He is always faithful and He is always there - with me. He has never failed me and He never will. The enemy may come at me but the enemy will not prevail because Christ has defeated the enemy ... When all is said and done the enemy can not snatch me away from my Heavenly Father... my destiny is sealed. I am a child of God. I am a daughter of the King of kings, Lord of lords... I am loved, accepted, blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven... My Father knows my name. He knows everything about me... and He loves me. My Abba will not forget me nor forsake me. His love surrounds me and I pray it will fill me... and overflow.
How mighty is our God! How mighty He is to save! Full of grace, love & truth... He came to set the sinner free... to redeem us and now He is preparing a place for us to live with Him for all of eternity. I think about that and I try not to skim over it because as I ponder it, it occurs to me that He is preparing a place specifically for me, for you, and what that means... To me it means it will be full of special touches that He uses to speak to me of His love, of who He created me to be ... it will be personal. Personal! He is a personal God, not a God far away... And just look at nature or our complex make up and you will see that He is a God of details, depth, beauty and so much more... Does it thrill you to know that to Him you are special, you are beloved ... His treasure?! Wow! Let Him be the treasure of your heart, of your life.
Thrill me O Lord - You thrill me with Your love, grace and beauty... You awe me and delight me to the depths of my soul. Thank you Lord for choosing me, for loving me, for redeeming me, for calling me Yours, for accepting me yet not leaving me in my sin but transforming me continually to reflect you - to be holy, to be set apart.... There is no one like You, You alone are God and You alone are worthy of all praise! Glory be to You forever!
I must remember... Remember and turn to You and trust You completely. Why worry or be anxious? These things shall pass, they are not eternal and You are in control. Help me Lord to find the joy and blessing you have for me in these opportunities... to see what You see and to live in a way that pleases and honors you. Help me to not be consumed with fleshly things like bitterness, worry, anger... but to instead grow in Christ likeness ... Open the eyes of my heart Lord... Open my heart, mind - all, to more of You, to Your will... for Your name's sake and glory, let it be. Thank you Jesus - My Redeemer and the lover of my soul.
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Video Trailer
Individuals and family members are often hurt emotionally following an abortion. If you, or someone you know, needs help, please contact Abortion Recovery InterNational
Monday, August 24, 2009
Pray, Stand and be Heard!
Please go to this link Stop The Abortion Mandate and not only watch the short video but get the facts and take action! Above all please pray!
Created in truth & love by April at 7:37 AM 0 Remarks
Labels: choice, life, Prayer Request
Friday, August 21, 2009
Digging In with Excitement
I am sooo pumped... Have you ever started a bible study and right off the bat you know this is exactly what you need to hear & learn about, etc... It strikes a deep cord within you. Well that was me yesterday... I read through the forward and the introduction to Beth Moore's bible study on Esther and then listened to the intro session.
It hit me in a personal way and I knew the Lord was using it to speak to me, to my heart. This doesn't always happen when I start a study but I love it when it does... I am sooo excited to dig into the Word and this study and to see what He wants to show me about Himself, about me... to learn, to grown and to praise Him. I just know He is up to something good (isn't He always) ... what I mean is I know He is going to do something amazing through this time - to me, to my heart... in revealing more of Him in a unique and special way.
As you may realize God isn't really mentioned in the book of Esther or as it is also known as the Megillot (The Five Scrolls, Megillah). Even though He isn't mentioned His hand is obviously at work throughout the book... it is showing us the character of the unseen God. In a way this book should help us to look at our lives - the ordinary days and see that God is there as promised, He is very involved and is working all things out for good according to His plan and purpose for those who love Him. (See Romans 8:28). Praise Him!!!
Ok, I just had to share & now I am off to dig in!
Created in truth & love by April at 12:59 PM 2 Remarks
Labels: bible study, Faith, The Word
Friday, August 14, 2009
Wastelands, a Devotional by E. Elliot
A friend sent me this devotional this morning and it was so good, true, & encouraging that I had to post it. May it speak to you in whatever circumstance or place God has you.
Elisabeth Elliot's Daily Devotional
Title: Wastelands
Author: Elisabeth Elliot
There are dry, fruitless, lonely places in each of our lives, where we seem to travel alone, sometimes feeling as though we must surely have lost the way. What am I doing here? How did this happen? Lord, get me out of this!
He does not get us out. Not when we ask for it, at any rate, because it was He all along who brought us to this place. He has been here before--it is no wilderness to Him, and He walks with us. There are things to be seen and learned in these apparent wastelands which cannot be seen and learned in the "city"--in places of comfort, convenience, and company.
God does not intend to make it no wasteland. He intends rather to keep us--to hold us with his strength, to sustain us with his sure words--in a place where there is nothing else we can count on.
"God did not guide them by the road towards the Philistines, although that was the shortest...God made them go round by way of the wilderness towards the Red Sea" (Ex 13:17,18 NEB).
Imagine what Israel and all of us who worship Israel's God would have missed if they had gone by the short route--the thrilling story of the deliverance from Egypt's chariots when the sea was rolled back. Let's not ask for shortcuts. Let's keep alert for the wonders our Guide will show us in the wilderness.
See for more. Also if you click on the link titled Daily Devotions at the bottom of the devotional page it will take you to more useful tools and other devotionals.
Created in truth & love by April at 1:48 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Devotional, Transformation
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Abundantly Loved
~ Psalm 92:4, NLT
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Changed Life or Just Words
Just some thoughts that have been running through my mind of late... I was thinking about how often we read the word of God and we in our minds believe it... but do we believe it in all truth? Do we believe it in our hearts?
For example read the following verse in the NIV & NASB:
Psalm 138:8, NIV -The LORD will fulfill his purpose for me; your love, O LORD, endures forever — do not abandon the works of your hands.
Psalm 138:8, NASB - The LORD will accomplish what concerns me; Thy lovingkindness, O LORD, is everlasting; Do not forsake the works of Thy hands.
Do you believe in your heart, your subconscious: that God will fulfill His purpose for you, that He will accomplish all that concerns you in this life? That no matter how many time you stumble and fall you are secure in His love? That He will not forsake you? I ask this because as you may certainly realize what we really believe, deep down - that is what we live out. Our beliefs affect our thoughts, words, actions... So when it comes to crunch time and things are out of control... does your life reflect that you are rooted in your faith, secure in His love and your salvation? I ask this because sometimes I get so frustrated with myself... I believe it, I believe it and yet I say Lord help me with my unbelief!!! I am like Paul when he says he does what he doesn't want to do but what he wants to do he doesn't do... in other words I am not perfect. I have my moments where I am standing/walking in the light and reflecting Christ... and I have my moments where I am not reflecting my beliefs... I have come to realize, at times it is perfectly clear that my faith is so small... and my God is so big! However He is faithful to remind me and encourage me in this ...(See Luke 17:6 & Matt. 17:20) that He can take what is small and do wonders... that His power is made perfect in weakness... For if I will realize it, confess it and let Him ... what I can't do on my own is possible to overcome, to do in His strength! Praise Him!
Believe me I am not saying that we will not have our moments, our failures... I will say that when we do we can confess and have the assurance that we are forgiven. I am not saying that we can use this as an excuse to sin either because we know that is not right (See Romans 6:1-14) ... I am just trying to provoke some thought here, some soul searching... because there are many who may profess to know God but by their deeds they deny Him (Titus 1:16) ... and might I add make nonbelievers think what is the big deal about Christianity - they are no different than me. Well in our flesh we are all sinners but in Christ we are redeemed, saved and empowered to overcome sin... to live righteously! In a nutshell remember it is always about Him not us! And in saying that when we have the Holy Spirit in us we should be different... we should have a changed heart, life... if there is absolutely no change then we might want to question ourselves as to if we are in the faith - or if what we have is a head knowledge but not one that penetrates our heart - faith? As it says in James even the demons believe there is a God and they shudder... while mentioning James I should add to check out James chapter 2 on faith without works... Our changed condition (salvation) should not only propel us, it should absolutely bring about fruit! There should be action ... not just words but deeds born of this love and faith we have. Not because the actions save us but because what saves us propels us to act!
As I said earlier, I am not perfect but praise the Lord I am a changed person! I give no credit to myself for this for it is entirly by the power of the Lord that I live differently. This dying to my fleshly self is hard but it is not impossible - because with Him anything is possible!!! Step by step He is leading me, teaching me, showing me, changing me... I am saved but I am in the process of being sanctified moment by moment, day by day... all to the glory of God. I can never get over how amazing is His love for us... We have an awesome, mighty, loving God! Thank you Jesus ... you are my Savior and the lover of my soul, I rejoice in You!
Let me know your thoughts ...
Lastly a few verses to encourage you in all wisdom - Proverbs 3:5-6; 4:23-26.
Created in truth & love by April at 1:48 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Being Intentional, change, Christ, Cultural Christianity, Faith, Glorifying, Heart Focus, Transformation, Unbelief
Monday, June 15, 2009
Who I am ... In Christ
A few thoughts ...
LORD, who am I that You should love me; that You should care? Who am I that you would save me...? I am Your creation - You knew me before the foundations of the world - You knew me in my mother's womb and brought me forth safely.
You created me with a purpose... I am unique and created in Your image. I am a child of God, bought with a price (the blood of the Lamb of God, my Lord & Savior - Jesus Christ). Through You I am loved, blessed, chosen, adopted, accepted, redeemed, forgiven... I am part of Your royal priesthood, made pure, blameless, a bride. I am gifted, filled with Your Spirit - my body is your Temple - a dwelling place of the LORD God Most High!
O LORD great is Your mercy, love and faithfulness! I am not worthy of You, of any of this... Yet You call me Yours, You know my name. You love me! There is no greater love than Yours. There is no greater treasure than You - to know You, to love You, to serve You - my LORD, my God, my King. I rejoice in You, in Your love forever! Amen.
Thank you Jesus!
Thoughts after reading Psalm 77:19-20:
At the Red Sea's parting God's footprints may not have been visible but He was there! He was there leading His people like a Shepherd leads a flock. God was there - He is here now - He surrounds us, protects us, saves us, delivers us, redeems us, leads us in the righteous path... He leads us to our glorious inheritance in Christ Jesus!
Blessed, blessed are we to be called His! Praise Him!
Friday, June 5, 2009
Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit
This is so unbelievable (see story link at bottom of post)... to see where our country & our freedom is headed... The Bible tells us we will be hated, we will be persecuted because we are followers of Christ. Can we really expect any less? Even though we live in the U.S.A... It doesn't mean what it use to mean to live here... we now have a President who tells the world we are not a Christian nation, who is quoting from the Quran, who is anti-family (pushing gay marriage and more), anti-pro-life, and more... Our country is being led by anything but the Word. It is sad, it is grieving but it is the fallen world we live in. Let us not forget what the Word tells us:
“Blessed are you when people insult you, persecute you and falsely say all kinds of evil against you because of me. Rejoice and be glad, because great is your reward in heaven, for in the same way they persecuted the prophets who were before you." Matt. 5:11-12
“You have heard that it was said, ‘Love your neighbor and hate your enemy.’ But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, that you may be sons of your Father in heaven. He causes his sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous. If you love those who love you, what reward will you get? Are not even the tax collectors doing that? And if you greet only your brothers, what are you doing more than others? Do not even pagans do that? Be perfect, therefore, as your heavenly Father is perfect." Matt. 5:43-48
Check out this news story below:
Couple Ordered to Stop Holding Bible Study at Home Without Permit - Local News News Articles National News US News -
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Created in truth & love by April at 10:18 AM 1 Remarks
Labels: Persecution, Suffering
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Greater Love
I have been trying to figure out how to put in to words all that has been going on ... I am going to try to say it as simply and concisely as I can but knowing me it may not come out that way. I know I have told you before that I have felt the LORD refining me... it has been a journey of walking through the valley and seeing my own sinfulness... not fun but necessary.
For the last few days I have felt as if I am truly being emptied out, hollowed out if you will... and I am in a numb state at the moment... caught between the grief of my sin and the joy of my salvation. I wish I had better words to explain it in than in these terms... even to my own ears they sound pitiful at best in capturing what I wish to express.
I am the LORD's... I was bought with a price, not one I paid but one that was paid for me on the cross. And who am I but dust, flesh, sin... yet I am called, chosen and loved! The Maker of all that exist called my name, loves me and desires for me to know & love Him intimately. I have chills just thinking about it.
I have a few things I want to say here - one being I am sinful - I am prideful & I hate pride, even more God hates it! Too often I cling more to my own comfort, life if you will in this world instead of living for what counts - instead of living for the eternal purpose for which God created me. It grieves me... & I do not want to live this way. I want so badly to love God with all my heart and to live fully for Him... to walk in His ways & bring glory to His name... after all, all of "this" is all about HIM! It is all about God - if there is anything you take away from this post let it be that this life we are living is all about God, it is about a love greater than we can comprehend ... A God who loves us beyond measure and wants a relationship with us. I mean grasp this - the God who created us and doesn't need us wants us... and we the created thing who need God, most of the time think we can live and love without Him. I have been reading Crazy Love by Francis Chan... and in it he made a point about this... along with some other really great points... mostly about self examination and our love relationship with God. If you haven't read it yet you should... I have been convicted and again back to where this post started ... letting God empty me out... cleaning house so to speak.
I want to be rid of my fleshly/sinfulness and to be filled to over flowing with the Spirit - with love. I want less of me and more of God. I want God to come in and reign in my heart & mind - in every area of my life ... I want Him to take all of me, break me, make me and help me to live free... To love Him as He desires - absolutely, completely in awe, love and submission to Him... desiring Him above all else. And by doing so enabling me to love others. As Chan pointed out if I have trouble loving a perfect God, how can I possibly love sinful man... I need God's love in me to love others as I should.
I don't need more "positive" thinking, I don't need more "help" books, I don't need more head knowledge, I don't need all the things the world tells me I need... when all I need is God. I need to just sit at His feet and listen, I need to dwell upon His truth, I need to pray & pray & pray (and when I say this I do not mean a litany of prayer request but intimate prayer with God - loving Him, listening to Him..... again it is all about Him & not me). I need God's love, I need His mercy & grace... I need God. Not the blessings of God but God - the One & Only... He is life to me. He is God and there is no other. He is love. He is my Savior.
I am not sure what else to say - Except that I hope you come away from this with a desire & intent to get alone with God. To open up your heart and life fully to Him - to His love.
Do so and be blessed.
Created in truth & love by April at 2:15 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Christ, Heart Focus, Kingdom Living, Listening, Loved
Monday, May 25, 2009
New Gallup Poll is out...
Hello friends ~I wanted to let you know about a new Gallup poll - More Americans "Pro-Life" than "Pro-Choice" for First Time. (Just click on the title and it should take you to the article). For those of you who have been following the Life/Choice posts & the Changing One Heart for Many this is a very interesting poll. With a President who is so obviously Pro-Choice, it looks as if many Americans may be waking up to the realization of what that really means. And maybe for the first time are deciding to make a choice - a choice for life. A choice to get involved, to pray, to not sit on the sidelines any more... I hope. Our God is a mighty God, a righteous God, a Holy God & He is at work!
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
Fear of the Lord, that is wisdom
How prideful we (humans) can be -look at how we judge and seek to exalt ourselves (our thoughts, actions, etc.). How little is our understanding and awe of God (for the most part)...
“And to man He said, ‘Behold, the fear of the Lord, that is wisdom;
And to depart from evil is understanding.’” Job 28:28 (NASB)
I have noticed too that we try to reason our way to who we think God should be and what He should do... but who are we to do that!?! We are the clay and He is the potter! How can we even think that we, the creation could tell our Creator what is best!? How can we think to judge our Creator - to judge what He does or doesn't do?! PRIDE - people it is pride! If we fully grasped what we were doing we would fall on our faces and beg forgiveness! Look to the Word and believe what it says - Who God is, Who you are in Christ...
12“Behold, let me tell you, you are not right in this,
For God is greater than man.
13“Why do you complain against Him
That He does not give an account of all His doings?
14“Indeed God speaks once,
Or twice, yet no one notices it.
15“In a dream, a vision of the night,
When sound sleep falls on men,
While they slumber in their beds,
16Then He opens the ears of men,
And seals their instruction,
17That He may turn man aside from his conduct,
And keep man from pride;
- Job 33:12-17, NASB
“For as the heavens are higher than the earth,
So are My ways higher than your ways
And My thoughts than your thoughts."
Isaiah 55:9, NASB
Which brings me back to judging others... As I read Job's friends' commentary to him ... and how sure they were that this calamity that had befallen him was because he had sinned... I just thought wow - I am sure there has been an occasion or more that I have done this same thing myself... However, as I read I noticed they had no example, no action to rebuke Job with. They had nothing they could point to, to reprove him (let me point out reproving and judging are not the same thing - see a previous post of mine on this). No, they just had conjecture and the prideful assurance that they must be right and Job must have sinned - that they fully grasped who God is and all His ways, thoughts and actions.
Let us remember not to judge, let us remember we are not God who can search and see the hearts and minds of man...
“I, the LORD, search the heart,
I test the mind, ..." - Jeremiah 17:10a, NASB
"The Lord doesn’t see things the way you see them. People judge by outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart." - 1 Samuel 16:7, NLT
Seek wisdom and understanding - for it is far more valuable than gold, diamonds or pearls... clothe yourself in righteousness!
Created in truth & love by April at 2:32 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Creator, Cultural Christianity, Judging
Thursday, May 7, 2009
Alert: today is...
Monday, April 27, 2009
Our Creator & laminin!!!
Friday, April 24, 2009
Last night before I went to be I felt led to read out of Ps. 32... Verses 7-8 stood out to me and I wanted to share my thoughts on it with you.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Boldness in Truth
Hello! I hope you had a blessed Easter - praising our Risen Lord!!! I have been reading in Thessalonians the last few days... and many things have stuck out to me. Alas, I do not have time to really get into the meaty stuff right now with you... but there are some awesome insights and instructions!
I just wanted to share with you briefly a few that stood out to me...
"but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition. For our exhortation does not come from error or impurity or by way of deceit; but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts." 1 Thessalonians 2:2-4
"But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22
These verses made me think about how we (in the US) as Christians have so much freedom to be bold in speaking the gospel... it shamed me to think how weak I have been at times - letting myself, fear, or something hold me back from what I should share. I have no excuse... How I pray for a boldness from God to speak Truth in Love no matter the circumstances, the person... to do as He has commanded. After all what we are sharing is GOOD NEWS! It brings life to those who embrace it... and even if they do not we at least in hope and in love shared... & hopefully planted a seed that will bloom later in their heart.
Here Paul mentions after being mistreated & suffering they were still bold even amid much opposition! Desiring to tell others the great gift and message we as Christians have been entrusted with - and they spoke not as pleasing to men, speaking words that make them feel good about their sinful state... but speaking truth that has the power to save & bring good to those who believe. They spoke not for their own glory... they spoke to please God who examines and knows our hearts.
There are those (as I have mentioned before) who like to take bits of truth and mix it with deception... misleading people away from the Truth. I love how we are exhorted to examine everything carefully! EVERYTHING! And to hold fast to that which is good - not meaning that which we like to hear but that which is truth- good. Too many times we can become guilty of just believing whatever we hear, read or are taught... Humans are fallible... and some seek to deceive (knowingly or unknowingly). We have to examine what others claim to be truth against what is truth - the Word! If you hear something in a sermon and get this feeling like it just doesn't sound right... check things out for yourself... If you are reading a book and it is instructing you or teaching you something that does not coincide with Scripture even though it says it is a Christian book... put it down and search out the truth of the Word. Whatever the case may be (by hearing, reading, seeing...) check it out, examine it carefully. Not seeking to find or prove what you want to hear but what is the black and white truth of the Word. Remember to always look at the Word in context... There are those who like to take a verse and twist it this way or that so that the way they interpret it does not even resemble the intent and meaning of the verse.
I know I may seem to be stressing this point a lot but I really don't think you can stress it too much. In our current times we are being bombarded with half truths, deception, lies... We have to choose to search out for ourselves, to educate ourselves - that we may know and understand and have great insight into what is TRUTH and what is best... Not what the world or even those who claim to be shepherds say.... because there are false teachers out there! Believe me I have heard them speak, I have seen their words... and it doesn't line up with the Truth!
This is something that troubles me, that really gets me going... these false teachers. When I think of the many who are seeking and are being mislead it just tears me up. Please, please read the Word for yourself. Study it, know it, live it! Cling to what is good and abstain from every form of evil, as this is right & pleasing to God. Not to mention it is so much more freeing living in the Spirit than living a life of the flesh/sin.
Seek, Study, Know & Live it!!!
PS- ok I know I said briefly, but - well I tried!
Created in truth & love by April at 2:59 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Cultural Christianity, False Teachers, Seeking, Sharing, Truth -n- Love
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Set to Seek the LORD
Hello! - sorry it has been a little while. I wanted to share my musings from reading in 2 Chronicles today... I was reading and meditating on Chapters 11 & 12.
I will highlight a few things and then get down to what has been replaying through my mind...
When Solomon's son, Rehoboam came into power he did a foolish thing - he rejected the wisdom/advice from the Elders and instead decided to take the advice of his guy friends/peers so to speak... (See ch. 10 - v.8...). This is where the division comes into play between Judah (& Benjamin) from the rest of Israel.
In Ch. 11 we learn that the priests & Levites from all of Israel stood with him from all their districts. In part because Jeroboam (leader of Israel) decides to setup his own idols and priests (v. 14-15). Verse 16 tells us that those who's hearts were set on seeking the LORD God of Israel followed the priests & Levites to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the LORD God of their fathers!
There appears to be this little side note in v.17 - and they strenghtened the kingdom... remember this for later. It also says for 3 years... I kept thinking why just 3yrs... well we are getting there.
In Chapter 12 the very first verse tells us something important - a life lesson. It says that when the kingdom of Rehoboam was established & strong that he and all of Israel with him forsook the law of the LORD! Don't pass that by... remember verse 17... these people came with hearts to seek and sacrifice to the LORD God... and sometime after things got good they forsook the LORD! What happened from the time of their coming to the forsaking??? Where did their heart focus/seeking go? Did they get too comfortable? Pride maybe?
It brought to mind how at times when things start going good, we can stop focusing on the LORD like we do in times of distress... How we can start to think everything is fine, I am good, look at what I have accomplished, I am in control - whatever, you get the point! However, we should know that is most certainly not the case. God is always in control & He is the one who helps us, blesses us and provides for us. (It reminds me once again of the path our nation is heading down...).
Ok, so back to my earlier mention about the 3 years... enters verse 2 - It says in the 5th year of King Rehoboam's reign... So from the earlier verses we know they followed and sought the LORD for 3 years... and then they started straying away... so here we are two years later- They had been unfaithful to the LORD, and because of this enters the enemy. It made me think of our spiritual battle between the flesh & spirit and the enemy we face. When we take our eye off of God, when we go our own way, when we sin and seek other things to place before God in our lives.... our guard is down, our heart is wrong... and we are an easy target for the enemy, when we have left the shelter and protection of God's longer under his covering. They forsook God! It didn't really take all that go from being on top to the bottom as you will see.
So faced with the enemy - the King and people humble themselves and proclaim "The LORD is righteous.". And because of their humbling themselves God does not destroy them but gives them some measure of deliverance. They had brought disaster upon themselves but the LORD still helped them. They were not destroyed but they had to learn a lesson... (oh if we would only learn from history, from our mistakes and seek the LORD with all of our heart for all of our days!!!).
Verse 8 tells us that God allowed them to become slaves that they might learn the difference between His service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries (the world). Boy, is there a big difference between being in the service of the LORD - true freedom, life, blessings, love, forgiveness... and being in the service- enslaved, in bondage to sin, to the world!
This brought to mind (here and in other cases) as there is a moral decline/move away from God/righteousness, things going really well to seeing a decline not just morally but culturally... Things get good, we move away from God - we become prideful, things then start going bad..... v. 9 tells us that the enemy took all the gold (all, everything of value) ... it made me think of what that represents. Gold being of high value, a pure and precious metal... is stolen, taken away. We have within us something far more precious and valuable than gold - for those in Christ Jesus- that can NEVER be taken away! Praise the LORD!!! However maybe it is represenative of those perishable things we treasure above our God... They are a gift from him to be enjoyed and for His purposes, but never to be worshiped or sought after/desired above Him. These perishable things can not give us security - only God is our security.
God is so good, even when we are not... He loves a repentant, humble heart... in Him we find salvation and mercy. Check out 12:12... the king humbled himself & was not destroyed and then conditions in Judah were good.
To sum it all up... I have been thinking of how people can seem to start out going the right way & then along the way they forsake the LORD... ex. Solomon with all his wisdom and knowledge of God, in his last days worshiped other gods... and here his son (v.14)- did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the LORD. There are so many other examples... but just focusing on this lesson for today - I see people who left their tribes (Israelites) to go to Jerusalem with the priest & Levites to worship the LORD... they had set it in their hearts! Of course these are OT believers... and they did not have the advantage we have in Christ - the gift of the Holy Spirit within us.... Yet, we are warned and encouraged in the NT to not live by the ways of the flesh but of the spirit, to run the good race, to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul & strength... and so on. I do not in any way believe that if you are saved and have received the Holy Spirit that you can loose your salvation... So don't misunderstand what I am saying in this regard. I just think about the parable of the seeds... and other such things. About people being led astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ.... and I don't want that!
It seems to me that we have to choose, to seek - with all our heart to stay the course - to be obedient; to live & walk in obedience; to know, understand, believe & love with all our hearts, minds, soul & strength. Daily we must choose... in our flesh we wander, we have no strength... however, as we abide in the Spirit we have incredible power at work in us! We can live transformed lives all our days... The other big thing I keep thinking about is how we have to have the RELATIONSHIP with G0d - to know & love Him... Having a real, on going relationship gives us the heart/love, focus and ability to do these things - because we are not doing it for ourselves but out of love for God. We need a healthy balance of the Word/Truth... some don't like correction and only want to hear pleasant things... have warm fuzzy feelings. But I tell you those warm fuzzy feelings will fade at times as crisis arise, sort of like the seed that grew up on the rock but had no roots and withered. These chapters also make me think of those who were chocked by the weeds -they let the cares, worries and pleasures of this world keep them from maturing! We have to be rooted in Christ... in the Word - in Truth, because our heart is deceitful above all else. The Word grounds us and shines a light into our hearts, lives and shows us the way... Hand & hand... How blessed we are in Christ - we have been given so much!!! Love, forgiveness, salvation, the Word, the Holy Spirit - we can pray/talk to God directly (us sinners, who have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb!), we are set free & empowered to live beyond ourselves - to live for God!
I say all this to encourage you (& myself) to keep our eyes, hearts and minds on the things that are eternal & lasting - to keep our focus on Christ!
Created in truth & love by April at 3:16 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Being Intentional, Heart Focus, Learning from Past
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Answered Prayer & the LORD's Provision
I was crying earlier as I thought upon the LORD's faithfulness... His love, answered prayers, provision... Below you will see the verses I have been getting lately, (I get verses sent to me daily from K-LOVE)... any way I wanted to share what I have been getting ... just follow the flow and let the Scriptures speak to you! They have been speaking to me!
And even more so after I realize the Lord has been providing me ahead of time with the verses I need for the events of today (and always really). Doesn't He do that for us... For He knows what is coming and He knows what we need... and He wants to prepare us (Spiritually) to be ready!
Today a huge storm hit our area... There are accidents all over... I am praying for these people and their lives, health & safety... I and others were praying too for my husband to make it home safely. After road closures, accidents, the weather, etc... about 2 hours later he made it home safe! The Lord totally showed up right when he needed Him and opened up a path & provide away for him... not once but twice! I would go more into detail but I think suffice it to say that without the Lord's perfect timing and provision my husband would not be safely home now... This brought me to tears! The LORD is near... The LORD is listening, He answers ... at times even before we know to call out! Praise Him for He is soooo worthy! Praise Him for who He is! The Everlasting God, Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide), Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord Our Peace), The God of Miracles, a Forgiving God, a Faithful God, the God who answers prayer....
To Him be the glory forever!
Then when you call, the Lord will answer. "Yes, I am here," He will quickly reply.
~ Isaiah 58:9, NASB
I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!
~ Isaiah 65:24, NLT
Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
~ Jeremiah 33:3-4, NLT
The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.
~ Psalm 23:1, NLT
But this precious treasure-this light and power that now shine within us-is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own.
~ 2 Corinthians 4:7, NLT
Don’t hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all.
~ Matthew 5:15, NLT
You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.
~ Psalm 73:24, NLT
How precious, sweet and powerful is the Word of God!!! Think upon the goodness, kindness, love, mercy & grace of the LORD... and praise Him!
Action - Get invloved!
I just wanted to remind you all about Red Envelope Day - the 31st! If you don't know what I am talking about click here... also if you are interested in using their service to mail - click here.
As I have written before we can all get involved in the Pro-Life movement in many different ways - prayer, donations, advocacy, etc. I encourage you to pray about what the LORD is calling you to do. Also, check out Care Net!
Have a blessed week!
Friday, March 20, 2009
A Patient & Forgiving God
As I was praying & praising God, praising Him specifically that He is a Forgiving God. There is a reference to Neh. 9:17, that I looked up. It says:

Created in truth & love by April at 1:20 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Faith, forgiveness, Heart Focus, Kingdom Living
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Constant, Unchanging - God
Today I learned that my last Pastor (from the city we moved from) is being called to another Church in another State... It had me thinking about change. How we don't really love change, but it is good for us. How change should be viewed not as a negative but a positive - an opportunity & blessing!
Also, how change can and does draw us closer to God. To trust Him and His provision... to seek His will and for guidance, etc. God knows what is best and where we need to be - to minister and to be ministered to.
It makes me think too of the early Church and apostles... thinking of Paul and his journeys... lots of change, moves, transitions... and I am sure it wasn't easy. However, because of their willingness to go and be obedient to God - many came to Christ and were blessed & we are blessed through them... all to the praise and glory of the LORD!
As much as our world, circumstances, etc. change around us or things change within... we have one unchanging constant and that is God. He never changes! His Word and promises are true & He is faithful. Praise Him! We can always count on Him.
So today I wanted to meditate on some truth, on God and who He is:
- JEHOVAH (YHWH) - "I AM" The One Who Is The Self-Existent One
Bible References - Exodus 3:14; 6:2-4; 34:5-7; Psalm 102
Pronounced: juh-HO-vah
- YHWH - "I AM," The One Who Is The Self-Existent One
Application - Same as above
Bible References - Exodus 3:14; Malachi 3:6
Pronounced: YAH-way God's personal name given to Moses. Also called the tetragrammaton ("four letters"). Occurs about 6,800 times. Translated "LORD" in English versions of the Bible, because it became common practice for Jews to say "Lord" (Adonai) instead of saying the name YHWH.
*From Names of God, Rose Publishing
God is who He says He is, His Word and promises are true, He is unchanging and all His ways are right and just. Praise Him for His unfailing love, mercy and grace towards us... Praise Him for no matter where we go, He is near... He is our Strenght, Provider and Help... and He is the One who gives us peace (not wordly peace but the peace that surpasses all understanding - no matter our circumstances!) - Praise Him!
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Belief & Prayer
Just a quick note... When the Bible says to pray about everything and to not worry... do it! The Lord is in control and He does hear and answer our prayers!
I hate how at times I struggle with unbelief... really believing that God really wants to answer my prayers... praying but not always believing He will come through for me! It is so wrong... that attitude of my heart! I have many assurances in the Word, of God's love, of His provision - that He listens, answers, provides... as the Word mentions if we parents can give good gifts to our children how much more will our Heavenly Father do for us! Yet, do we always believe that!?
LORD, thank you for Your steadfast love, Your faithfulness... thank you for Your forgiveness... and for the mercy and grace you show towards me continually! Thank you for hearing me and answering my prayers.... All my worry is for not, it is sin - and I am sorry to hurt you in such a way. Thank you for providing for me in sooo many ways this past week!!! You are always there, my constant Strength & Help!
LORD there is no other like you... teach me Your ways, & help me to walk in them all the days of my life. Give me a heart that is undivided - that I may know, love, serve, obey, believe and honor You. To You be the glory forever - Amen.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Power of Prayer
I just recently finished reading Frank E. Peretti's book This Present Darkness. If you haven't heard of it, basically it is fiction that deals with evil & good at war in the world... the side we see as we go about our daily lives and the side we don't see (demons & angels).
I came away from it really thinking about the power of prayer. I know that at times I do take for granted the great power we have in prayer... Do I really believe that prayer is powerful?! Do you? We are told in Scripture that it is so... and yet do we live prayerful, power filled lives? The Word exhorts us to pray at all times, in all circumstances, to pray for the Saints... to pray! To put on the full armor of God wielding the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word and to pray!!! Combined together as I have heard Beth Moore say it is like wielding a stick of dynamite! It is powerful!
Prayer keeps coming up .... and I have to say, Lord I hear you and I am listening! The LORD is waking me up so to speak in regards to prayer... to really seeing prayer the way He sees it, to be faithful in prayer... to understand we truly are at war here - and it is an unseen war that is being waged... flesh/sin against the Spirit, and if you will - yes, even the angelic against the demonic.
Realizing we are at war is only the beginning... from there we must take action. We must learn how to fight this unseen war... How to put on the full armor, to pray. We must not only learn it in our heads but in our hearts and then be faithful, obedient to do it!
I encourage you to look up verses on prayer... and to believe! Believe in our Mighty God and that His Word and promises are true... believe that He listens, believe that He answers... believe even when you can't see ... Prayer is powerful!
Standing on the promises of God!
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Petitions for Life
Please take a look at this weeks post on Changing One Heart for Many. You will find four links on there... Actions you can take to do your part. One is the petition against FOCA, one is stating you do not want tax payer money to fund abortions and one is stating that Doctors should have the freedom/choice to not perform abortions. There is also a link for Red Envelope day!
Check it out & have a blessed day!
Created in truth & love by April at 1:12 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Being Intentional, choice, life
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
Action - Heritage & Lessons Part 2
A follow up to my last post and in response to the comment left.... (Thanks for the questions and making (me) us think!).
If all we do is complain and get angry it accomplishes nothing...just as worry doesn't add a day to our life.... we have to actually do something, even if we are not seeing results at least we are doing our part.
I believe first and foremost we have to PRAY and go to the WORD! We are commanded to pray for those in authority over us ... from our boss at work to our President. Pray for them, pray for our nation, pray for hearts to be turned back toward God. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY... Go to the Word and see the examples of how we should live. A good example being Daniel, but there are many others. As a friend pointed out today, first Daniel resolved not to ... basically live like the unsaved but to live for God, according to His Word and His ways. Daniel was obedient to the authority placed over him unless it conflicted with what he knew was right- what God commanded. He served God first even if that meant he might lose his life. He prayed, he studied God's word, and he strived to live it out... to be a light shining in the darkness.
We have to stop thinking someone else will do it, say it, etc. and look in the mirror and start with doing our part. Get involved... in the things that the LORD lays upon your heart/conscience. As people are fond of saying "put your money where your mouth is"... Donate to your cause, volunteer, educate yourself and others... take action!
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE - Study up on the issues, the candidates and vote according to your conscience. There are issues that are right and wrong... and vote accordingly, to be obedient to God and what is right. One day we do have to answer for what choices we have made... our vote does count. And even when we vote and things do not work out the way we would like... it isn't over. There are issues, bills, etc that come up... email your Representative and voice your thoughts and concerns. There are websites that can send you updates on current issues and that have contact info on them. (Check out Dr. Dobson/Focus on the Family)
Even if our country continues down this current path it is on at least we are doing our part and being honoring/obedient to God. We know in end times things will continue to get worse but we as Christians must continue to be a light in the darkness, speaking truth in love, and living righteously... not to please man but to please & glorify God.
Please leave a comment if you have more ideas or suggestions... I and others would love to hear them!
All in all - the main point is to take ACTION! We just need to do our part... and let God do the rest. At the end of the day (or at the end of this earthly life)... I just want to hear Him say "Well done good and faithful servant."
Check out James 1:19-27
Created in truth & love by April at 3:15 PM 1 Remarks
Labels: Being Intentional, Learning from Past, Obedience, Prayer
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Heritage & lessons to be learned
Earlier I began reading the book of 2 Kings... as I was reading the intro to 2 Kings... these words below really stood out to me (bringing to mind our nation and the path it is heading down).
- Key Word Study Bible, NASB (AMG Publishers)
Created in truth & love by April at 2:57 PM 1 Remarks
Labels: Being Intentional, Cultural Christianity, Learning from Past
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
It rears it's ugly head again - Pride
This morning as I was talking with some other ladies, I had a break through moment. Do you know what I mean? One of those lightning bolt moments... the ahhh... LORD I am hearing you kind of thing.
For a while now (around 2 1/2 to 3 years) I have been praying for the LORD to help me to die to myself and to live for Him... as I have previously stated He has certainly been busy keeping up His end ... I have been being refined, broken and it is in the strangest way (only someone who understands what I am saying here can get) an incredible blessing.
I know I have mentioned the book I read on changing my attitude - using the example of the Israelites wandering for 40 yrs in the wilderness... along with that are other things He has been teaching and showing me. Any way all of it culminated this morning into that ahhh moment.
We were talking about as women who have moved the sense of identity loss we feel... and how we should not have our identity wrapped up in our job, friends, ministry, etc.... but that our identity (self worth) should be found in Christ. As we were talking all of these things God has been showing me, teaching me, verses kept popping into my mind... And there went off the light bulb!
PRIDE!!! Pride, it had me in it's grasp again... Pride in the things I had done, people's admiration, etc. I wanted to (silently, in my heart) boast in myself and not in the LORD! It was all about me and not about Him!!! Oh it just makes me sick... yet, I rejoice for my eyes have been open and behold I see my sin and I repent- Lord, I repent! Forgive me! Who am I that I am worthy of praise... I am nothing but dust, sinful flesh - saved by grace!!! I praise Him for His mercy, love & forgiveness... I praise Him for He is worthy! He is the Eternal, Everlasting God!!!
And even though I know this I have been desiring the praise of men, more than the praise of God - oh let it not be so! I feel like Paul when he said "I do not understand what I do. For what I want to do I do not do, but what I hate I do." (Rom 7:15 - see more click here). It is a continual battle with my flesh... However, I know that in Christ I can do all things, in Christ I have forgiveness, He supplies my strength and has given me His Spirit that I can overcome the flesh and walk in the Spirit... That I can live free! Abide, we have to abide - we cannot bear fruit apart from Him.... What good is a well if it has no water? He is the Living Water!!! He is what we all need... I am just a well... I can never be to anyone what they need nor can another be to me what I need - for all that I need is found in Christ Jesus!
Oh, LORD forgive my sinful pride... Thank you for opening my eyes to see this sin and thank you for your love and forgiveness. By Your power and Your strength enable me to walk rightly with You... to be Your humble servant, who loves you with all my heart, mind, soul, strength and who has the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus - bearing much fruit for Your glory!!! Amen.
You alone oh LORD are worthy of praise and to You be all the glory! I praise You my ever faithful, loving and present God!
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Something to meditate on ... These verses have been on my mind and heart of late:
then make my joy complete by being like-minded, having the same love, being one in spirit and purpose.
Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves.
Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Your attitude should be the same as that of Christ Jesus:
Who, being in very nature God, did not consider equality with God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing, taking the very nature of a servant, being made in human likeness.
And being found in appearance as a man, he humbled himself and became obedient to death--
Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name,
that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth,
and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
LORD help us to have the same attitude as that of Christ Jesus... Give us strength & bless us with peace, may we abide in You and bear much fruit for Your glory. Amen.

Created in truth & love by April at 2:52 PM 0 Remarks
Labels: Attitude, Glorifying
Sunday, February 15, 2009
For the Hurting
This post is for anyone who has been hurt by abortion, be you woman or man... Take a look at today's post on Traveling the Road Home. We can become so focused on the unborn and their rights that many times we forget those who have been hurt and scared by this ... especially the men. There are resources available for you if you have been through such a situation and desire healing ... & more. Even more if you turn to Jesus, as cliche as that may sound... He is there with open arms!
Please take a look at the post and watch the video!!!

Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Have you ever told someone you would pray for them? Did you do it? And if you did was it a fleeting thought type prayer or a down on your knees praying? Did you wield the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word of God and is so powerful when used in prayer? Lots of questions...
I am asking all of this to myself as well as to you.... Yes, if I tell you I will pray I mean it. However, depending upon what I deem to be the seriousness of the matter... it may be just that a prayer quickly said or one where I am speaking the Word, on my face and humbled before the Lord. I do believe that in either case the Lord hears my prayers... However, I do believe it is more honoring to God when we are bowed before our Lord and are focused in prayer. Someone once said that our posture in prayer can be an indicator to our heart and where we see ourselves before our God. Maybe that is true.... I do believe that the Lord is thrilled when we come to Him, when we seek Him, when we desire to talk with Him & especially listen ... When we draw near... so if you are praying as you walk or sit or drive or kneel - you are praying! You are staying continually in tune with the Lord.
What I am getting at more hear is about how we feel about prayer and think of it in our heart of hearts... Do we believe that God is listening? Do we believe that prayer is powerful? Do we believe that God cares and answers? Are we awed and humbled that we can speak to our Lord and Creator!? Is there reverence, love, respect, honor... do we cherish it? And even more do we believe that prayer can make a difference?
Recently, some thing has happened that made me think about all of this... and along with that two of my daily scripture verses have been as follows (I want to put them in two different versions and you will see why):
Ephesians 6:18-
(NIV) And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints.
(NASB) With all prayer and petition pray at all times in the Spirit, and with this in view, be on the alert with all perseverance and petition for all the saints
Colossians 4:2-
(NIV) Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful
(NASB) Devote yourselves to prayer, keeping alert in it with an attitude of thanksgiving
As you can see we are to pray at ALL TIMES in the Spirit! Which of course begs the question are you abiding - are you abiding in Christ? Are you letting the Spirit have His way in you so to speak? At all times?
It also brings to mind that big or small (in our mind) God wants to hear it all! He wants to show up and be very much a part of your life - in the little daily things as well as in the big ones. In all circumstances should He be glorified! In the NIV it says be alert and in the NASB it says be on the alert (with all perseverance & petition)... does that speak to you? Be alert when you pray, and/or be on the alert - the alert from what? From the enemy, from our flesh... & be focused, devoted... persevering and continually praying for whom? Our brothers and sisters in Christ. Wow, do we ever need it!
I find that it says persevering to be of interest... indicating that in our view persistent prayer might not always be easy?! Do we tire of praying continually? Do we feel as if our prayers are not being heard or answered? That it might be hard to pray at times... because of circumstances, hurts - because we are to pray for our enemies...? Yet to preserver means we must press on, in effect triumph over these things and continue to pray - continue to honor God, to see Him glorified, to believe, to walk by faith and not by sight, to be blessed!
To be devoted to prayer - devoted! What does that mean to you? Not just getting up early to pray, or so on ... but in your heart is there devotion? Not a ritual but joy... that you have thankfulness, praise no matter your circumstances. When you pray do you REALLY believe that you are speaking to the LORD - the Creator of the heavens and the earth; the giver and sustainor of life - the One who came wrapped in flesh and died for our sins, to reconcile us (in Christ) to Himself? Is there even the remotest part of you that feels as if your prayers are just floating in air... and are not heard? If so it is a lie of the enemy! God is listening!!! For one such reminder just take a look at the verse heading the top of my blog... there are so MANY MORE! Search them out for yourself and claim them!
I just want to encourage you to continue, to preserver in prayer being watchful, on the alert, with an attitude of thanksgiving... bring glory & honor to the Father & being as one in the Body of Christ. Be devoted in prayer and always keep on praying for the saints (your brothers & sisters in Christ)!
There is great power in prayer! Go forth mighty prayer warrior - putting on the full armor of God and praying at all times!!!