A follow up to my last post and in response to the comment left.... (Thanks for the questions and making (me) us think!).
If all we do is complain and get angry it accomplishes nothing...just as worry doesn't add a day to our life.... we have to actually do something, even if we are not seeing results at least we are doing our part.
I believe first and foremost we have to PRAY and go to the WORD! We are commanded to pray for those in authority over us ... from our boss at work to our President. Pray for them, pray for our nation, pray for hearts to be turned back toward God. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY... Go to the Word and see the examples of how we should live. A good example being Daniel, but there are many others. As a friend pointed out today, first Daniel resolved not to ... basically live like the unsaved but to live for God, according to His Word and His ways. Daniel was obedient to the authority placed over him unless it conflicted with what he knew was right- what God commanded. He served God first even if that meant he might lose his life. He prayed, he studied God's word, and he strived to live it out... to be a light shining in the darkness.
We have to stop thinking someone else will do it, say it, etc. and look in the mirror and start with doing our part. Get involved... in the things that the LORD lays upon your heart/conscience. As people are fond of saying "put your money where your mouth is"... Donate to your cause, volunteer, educate yourself and others... take action!
VOTE, VOTE, VOTE - Study up on the issues, the candidates and vote according to your conscience. There are issues that are right and wrong... and vote accordingly, to be obedient to God and what is right. One day we do have to answer for what choices we have made... our vote does count. And even when we vote and things do not work out the way we would like... it isn't over. There are issues, bills, etc that come up... email your Representative and voice your thoughts and concerns. There are websites that can send you updates on current issues and that have contact info on them. (Check out Dr. Dobson/Focus on the Family)
Even if our country continues down this current path it is on at least we are doing our part and being honoring/obedient to God. We know in end times things will continue to get worse but we as Christians must continue to be a light in the darkness, speaking truth in love, and living righteously... not to please man but to please & glorify God.
Please leave a comment if you have more ideas or suggestions... I and others would love to hear them!
All in all - the main point is to take ACTION! We just need to do our part... and let God do the rest. At the end of the day (or at the end of this earthly life)... I just want to hear Him say "Well done good and faithful servant."
Check out James 1:19-27
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
[image: Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy]
We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society.
We feel it in ourselves.
Many, to ...
14 hours ago
1 Remarks:
I hear ya my friend. Love your response and quite God focused, not emotional. These things we are speaking of are welling up emotions in me and I am attempting each day to keep Him in my focus. As Christ followers, our hearts should be crying out right now to God with all the possibilities of laws and ammendments being pushed. I am going to get real serious about writing our senators and congressman here in the next few months. I am certainly with you that we have to start realizing that we can't believe others are standing up and fighting.. We have to take a stand and not necessarily stopping with our mouth but by contacting those in positions that NEED to HEAR FROM US
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