Ok, yes this is my second post of the day... sorry! I have to first thank my dear friend, Jenny who has now taught me how to link scripture verses!!! Oh Jenny, my blogger teacher.... THANK YOU! Wow great stuff...so now if I type in a scripture verse or passage you can just click on it and it will pull up the verse/passage! You may have to hit the back button to come back to my blog to finish reading... but isn't that a time saver! =)
Ok now on to the title... Fear. I was reading the end of Matthew 8 on the demon possessed men... and what hit me the most was in v.34, where they asked Jesus to leave. Here Christ had come and done a miracle... He had rid these men of demon possession (who had been terrorizing the area)... You would think at this point there would be a lot of rejoicing, but there was not... Instead the whole town came out to meet Jesus and in fear of what they didn't know or understand asked him, pleaded with him to leave their region. How incredibly sad is that! Jesus was there among them ... when I think of what could have transpired in their region but was lost because their fear had a greater hold in their lives than their hope.... or trust. We see it still ... people who fear (losing their position, family, friends, others opinions... on & on we could go) Christ, fear change... and in the process they lose out on the greatest thing that could ever happen to them. It is more than sad, it is a travesty! Even those of us in Christ have our moments when we let our fear win out more than our faith... Oh that it would not be so!
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
[image: Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy]
We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society.
We feel it in ourselves.
Many, to ...
13 hours ago
1 Remarks:
A wonderful, godly lady and friend sent me this comment on fear (she emailed me since she isn't a blogger) and I thought it was too good not to share:
A reminder to me to not allow fear to creep in during difficult situations is the saying..."Fear activates Satan like faith activates God."
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