Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I got this award from my dear, sweet friend, Jenny...
As part of the award I am suppose to answer a few questions...
So here it goes... =)
Answer the following questions with single word responses. (or, if you're like me, answer them with as many words as you want!)
1. Where is your cell phone? beside me
2. Where is your significant other? at work
3. Your hair color? varying shades of light to dark blond
4. Your mother? probably at home
5. Your father? probably at home
6. Your favorite thing? my bible & chocolate with caramel
7. Your dream last night? that I might actually get sleep (ha ha) - Don't know
8. Your dream/goal? to write a book.
9. The room you’re in? living room
10. Your hobby? Bible study, blogging, facebook, reading, and a few other random things...
11. Your fear? Missing out on the opportunities God has for me on earth... & that loved ones may not know Jesus.
12. Where do you want to be in six years? Where God wants me... Hopefully in a deeper walk with Jesus - maturing in Christ.
13. Where were you last night? At our church's women's Christmas event
14. What you’re not? perfect.
15. One of your wish list items? black, winter boots (Warm & Comfy)
16. Where you grew up? Alabama
17. The last thing you did? prep for dinner
18. What are you wearing? a long sleeve shirt & sweatpants.
19. Your T.V.? off
20. Your pet? dog
21. Your computer? on my lap
22. Your mood? peaceful
23. Missing someone? YES!
24. Your car? Escape
25. Something you’re not wearing? lipstick
26. Favorite store? Amazon!
27. Your Summer? Fun!
28. Love someone? YES!!!
29. Your favorite color? blue & green
30. When is the last time you laughed? last night
31. Last time you cried? humm I am sure it wasn't that long ago... I did tear up last night but no crying.
And now I am passing this on to my friend - Amy & Eryn - who I am so excited has joined the blogging world!!!

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