Rush, rush, rush... it is that time of year again, when things get busy. When we as people get busy... parties, travel, events, gatherings... They can all be wonderful things but sometimes we can become so carried away by it all that we miss the really important stuff.
We can forget what it is that we are celebrating and why... we can forget to reach out, serve, love and help others... we can forget or maybe I should say not be focused on what is really important. It is not that our focus should be any different during this time of year than any other but that we have marked occasions to give thanks and to celebrate Christ.... However, it should be all year long that we give thanks to the Father for all He has done, for Christ's sacrifice, for love, mercy, grace, forgiveness, redemption, acceptance, hope... It is all year long that we should have a God focus... it is all year long that we should love & serve others... that we should be giving, caring, helpful... Yet sometimes we lose sight of these things even at the moments we are meant to celebrate and remember them... and sadly we can loose sight of these things in our hurried daily lives.
I was listening to the Brandon Heath song "Give Me Your Eyes" earlier ... & why haven't I cared... why? Lord I do pray you would give me your heart, your eyes, help me to reach out with your hands not just during this time of year but daily Lord... May I slow down and be purposeful... May I think about me less, and more about You and what you care about... more about others...
I just have this vision of me standing still while life is so busy it is blurring around me but God gives me the ability to stop and focus on the things or the people I need to at the right time... otherwise life is just chaos... That is not of God... no God has a purpose, He has a plan - for you & for me - Throughout our day there are a multitude of opportunities He gives us if we would just open our eyes and look for them, if we would just open up our hearts and ourselves to be used of Him for His purpose, for His Kingdom, for His glory.
The truth is we are in Christ - One Body... we all need each other and we are all to serve each part is needed more than another... and that being said we as the Body are to be a light to the world... to be witnesses... to reflect Christ... It happens, it truly does...but there are times when we not only let each other down but we don't shine our light... times when we can be confusing to the world because we look too much like the world and less like Christ.
I grieve for the opportunities I have missed but I am grateful that each day the Lord's mercies are new, there are new opportunities and blessings He has in store for us... He loves us so... He longs to be gracious to us, He longs to gather us to himself... if we would but let Him!
Forgive me Lord for all the times I stand in the way (with my pride, self-focus, unbelief...) of what you desire for me and for my life... and more importantly for the Kingdom... I know Lord that you don't have to use me to accomplish what you desire but Lord I am honored & humbled that you want to! I thank you most gracious and loving Father for your mercy and grace that cover me... I thank you for never letting me go and for pursuing and loving me ... even when I am a wayward child. Thank you for all the times you have carried me, strengthened me and given me a deeper faith and hope... There is so much to be thankful for Lord... It is all about you and anything good in my life is a gift from you, not to be treasured above you but to draw me closer to you. Thank you Jesus, thank you! I am forever yours...
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
[image: Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy]
We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society.
We feel it in ourselves.
Many, to ...
14 hours ago
2 Remarks:
girl I am so with you here. I drove down the road tonight and just cried at the faithfulness of the Lord and once again said God, My Life is in Your Hands. This is not all there is. I don't want to miss the calling or grace He has for us! I love you and your sweet heart for Jesus!
I tagged you on my blog
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