As I sat down to write in my journal today this is what was all the sudden on my heart... not what I would have thought but well here it goes...
I heard this morning a reminder that today is the 67th anniversary of the bombing of Pearl Harbor. And as I sat down to write hours later it came to the fore front of my mind. It brought to mind the loss our country suffered on 9-11. How real, how shocking these times were for Americans... the unthinkable had happened.
We will never forget these moments... but with time, the emotions pass. They are not as strong, dormant maybe, ready to surface if provoked... but not like they were following these events. Our memories fade some what... we remember but have forgotten some of the smaller details that seemed so fresh, real and unforgettable to us at the time. These moments are tragedies for our country, especially for those who lived through it and lost loved ones. For them it is more personal, more real, more tangible.
We are to learn from history, so as to not repeat it - you know the mistakes and such.... & as I sit here I ponder these things... which brings to mind other thoughts of a spiritual nature. In our spiritual life- our walk, our journey... how at the moment of salvation or even moments where we are on a spiritual mountain top, things are so alive, real, vibrant... We are on fire, spiritual speaking.
Now maybe there are those who can attest to having never lost that... that fire has for years burned bright and strong. However for many of us the fire is still there burning steady but it has become more tame as we have come down from our mountain top moments and gone to the valley, as we should. I do not believe that our whole spiritual journey was meant to be a mountain top experience... why even the disciples who witnessed the transfiguration had to come down and go through the valley... and you know what - it was worth it! What Jesus taught, claimed, did and commanded them to do became something that transformed them... from the disciples who just didn't seem to get it, the ones who wanted to be the greatest, the ones who wanted to call down fire upon the Samaritans, on and on... to the men who lived out what Christ had spoken, who proclaimed His message unashamed; who loved; who were merciful; who were servants & humble; who would suffer & die for their faith.
Getting back to my point - God will take us through times of great joy & times of trails - we should learn from both of these experiences. Yet, don't we at times on our walk... well those moments can fade and seem less real to us. In our times of joy do our trails seem to fade and in our times of trail do we "forget" what all we have seen and experienced - what God has done for us... the miraculous; the faithfulness; the grace; etc. Thankfully we have the Holy Spirit who will remind us, who will teach us and guide us. Because we need to remember & we need to learn.
I have been on the mountain top & I have traveled through the valley, & no matter what the Lord is always with me. He is my Strength & my joy... He is my Rock - upon which I stand and hold fast. Circumstances come & go; this world will one day fade away but the Word of the Lord lives on forever. What is eternal will not fade, it will be transformed. We will be transformed. What a precious gift we have in Christ Jesus.
Holy Spirit never let us forget... let the things that are eternal be very real & present upon our hearts & minds... That our actions would bring you glory. Amen!
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
[image: Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy]
We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society.
We feel it in ourselves.
Many, to ...
14 hours ago
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