Thursday, March 26, 2009

Answered Prayer & the LORD's Provision

I was crying earlier as I thought upon the LORD's faithfulness... His love, answered prayers, provision... Below you will see the verses I have been getting lately, (I get verses sent to me daily from K-LOVE)... any way I wanted to share what I have been getting ... just follow the flow and let the Scriptures speak to you! They have been speaking to me!

And even more so after I realize the Lord has been providing me ahead of time with the verses I need for the events of today (and always really). Doesn't He do that for us... For He knows what is coming and He knows what we need... and He wants to prepare us (Spiritually) to be ready!

Today a huge storm hit our area... There are accidents all over... I am praying for these people and their lives, health & safety... I and others were praying too for my husband to make it home safely. After road closures, accidents, the weather, etc... about 2 hours later he made it home safe! The Lord totally showed up right when he needed Him and opened up a path & provide away for him... not once but twice! I would go more into detail but I think suffice it to say that without the Lord's perfect timing and provision my husband would not be safely home now... This brought me to tears! The LORD is near... The LORD is listening, He answers ... at times even before we know to call out! Praise Him for He is soooo worthy! Praise Him for who He is! The Everlasting God, Jehovah-Jireh (The Lord Will Provide), Jehovah-Shalom (The Lord Our Peace), The God of Miracles, a Forgiving God, a Faithful God, the God who answers prayer....

To Him be the glory forever!

Then when you call, the Lord will answer. "Yes, I am here," He will quickly reply.
~ Isaiah 58:9, NASB

I will answer them before they even call to me. While they are still talking about their needs, I will go ahead and answer their prayers!
~ Isaiah 65:24, NLT

Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know.
~ Jeremiah 33:3-4, NLT

The Lord is my shepherd; I have everything I need.
~ Psalm 23:1, NLT

But this precious treasure-this light and power that now shine within us-is held in perishable containers, that is, in our weak bodies. So everyone can see that our glorious power is from God and is not our own.
~ 2 Corinthians 4:7, NLT

Don’t hide your light under a basket! Instead, put it on a stand and let it shine for all.
~ Matthew 5:15, NLT

You will keep on guiding me with your counsel, leading me to a glorious destiny.
~ Psalm 73:24, NLT

How precious, sweet and powerful is the Word of God!!! Think upon the goodness, kindness, love, mercy & grace of the LORD... and praise Him!

Action - Get invloved!


I just wanted to remind you all about Red Envelope Day - the 31st! If you don't know what I am talking about click here... also if you are interested in using their service to mail - click here.

As I have written before we can all get involved in the Pro-Life movement in many different ways - prayer, donations, advocacy, etc. I encourage you to pray about what the LORD is calling you to do. Also, check out Care Net!

Have a blessed week!

Friday, March 20, 2009

A Patient & Forgiving God

As I was praying & praising God, praising Him specifically that He is a Forgiving God. There is a reference to Neh. 9:17, that I looked up. It says:

"And they refused to listen, And did not remember Thy wondrous deeds which Thou hadst performed among them; So they became stubborn and appointed a leader to return to their slavery in Egypt. But Thou art a God of forgiveness, Gracious and compassionate, Slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness; And Thou didst not forsake them. ~Nehemiah 9:17 NASB
God's love and forgiveness is so amazing! I think sometimes it is taken for granted... we understand but give it fleeting thought... when if we really meditate on it, we are stunned, astounded, in awe, humbled and moved beyond words.
There is so much that came to me as I read this verse... Starting with And they REFUSED to LISTEN! These are God's chosen people, who saw amazing wonders... All the signs and plights God sent to the Egyptians to free them... The passover... The Red Sea being parted... A pillar of cloud by day and a pillar of fire by night... the bread of heaven, water from a rock... on & on...
Yet they refused to listen AND they became stubborn (original word meaning - bitterness, rebellion - a masculine noun meaning obstinacy, stubbornness, rebelliousness). They decided to rebell against God!!! God who had done all these things for them! They decided to appoint their own leader & RETURN TO THEIR SLAVERY!
Wow, just let that sink in... Do we not at times do the same thing? God shows Himself to us (to me) in big and small ways... He is faithful, loving, forgiving... if we were truly to meditate on all He has done for us the list would be too long. And maybe that is part of the problem we stop focusing on what God has done and instead focus on what we think He should be doing, what our problems or circumstances are... We forget that we are not promised that this earthly life will be easy... we forget we have to be refined and sanctified... to continually put off the old self (the sin & flesh) and to put on the new - to be made more and more like Christ. Not that we will attain perfection on earth but on the day that we go Home we will be all that we were created to be. We forget in Christ we are a new creation... we sometimes still see ourselves and our life through human/temporary eyes instead of eternal ones.
There will be times when things get rough and we don't understand why God allows somethings to happen, we may become weary in doing good but let us not!!!! God knows what is best... God knows where He is taking us & what He is preparing us for... and it is of far greater value than our temporary pains. Let us not forget - and fall back to our old fleshly/sinful ways. To desire to be slaves again to what Christ has set us free from!!! We can choose to be free & in Christ we have the power to live free! It is like a child who wants to only eat junk food... when the parent knows it is not healthy for them... and they have for them the finest foods, healthy, tasty, filling... Our lives are like that we can try to fill ourselves up with "junk" which never satisfies us or we can let God grow us and fill us with what sustains, what strengthens, what enables, what gives us all we will ever need.
Our perception...what impact! Our faith... what is faith? Hebrews 11:1 tells us "Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen." Do I live my life with & in my heart is that the kind of faith I have? It is a eternal, God perspective. That is my desire.
If you get a chance take a look at Philippians 2:5-11. It is one of my memory scriptures... and is something to really meditate upon.
LORD, I praise You - You are a forgiving God, Gracious and compassionate, slow to anger, and abounding in lovingkindness. You do not forsake me - You do not forsake those called by Your Name. How sweet is Your love and mercy towards me... it fails me not. You are the Giver of every good gift - The One who saves and redeems me... Who prepares a place for me to dwell with You forever. You know my name, You know everything about me & you love me, bless me, chose me and forgive me. Your Word is a lamp unto my feet Lord - You light my path & give me the hope, strength and peace to do so. Praise be to You forever - You are the Everlasting God, the King of kings, my Prince of Peace! Praise You! To You be the glory forever & ever - Amen.

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Constant, Unchanging - God

Today I learned that my last Pastor (from the city we moved from) is being called to another Church in another State... It had me thinking about change. How we don't really love change, but it is good for us. How change should be viewed not as a negative but a positive - an opportunity & blessing!

Also, how change can and does draw us closer to God. To trust Him and His provision... to seek His will and for guidance, etc. God knows what is best and where we need to be - to minister and to be ministered to.

It makes me think too of the early Church and apostles... thinking of Paul and his journeys... lots of change, moves, transitions... and I am sure it wasn't easy. However, because of their willingness to go and be obedient to God - many came to Christ and were blessed & we are blessed through them... all to the praise and glory of the LORD!

As much as our world, circumstances, etc. change around us or things change within... we have one unchanging constant and that is God. He never changes! His Word and promises are true & He is faithful. Praise Him! We can always count on Him.

So today I wanted to meditate on some truth, on God and who He is:

  • JEHOVAH (YHWH) - "I AM" The One Who Is The Self-Existent One
Application - God never changes. His promises never fail. When we are faithless, He is faithful. We need to obey Him.

Bible References - Exodus 3:14; 6:2-4; 34:5-7; Psalm 102

Pronounced: juh-HO-vah

  • YHWH - "I AM," The One Who Is The Self-Existent One

Application - Same as above

Bible References - Exodus 3:14; Malachi 3:6

Pronounced: YAH-way God's personal name given to Moses. Also called the tetragrammaton ("four letters"). Occurs about 6,800 times. Translated "LORD" in English versions of the Bible, because it became common practice for Jews to say "Lord" (Adonai) instead of saying the name YHWH.

*From Names of God, Rose Publishing

God is who He says He is, His Word and promises are true, He is unchanging and all His ways are right and just. Praise Him for His unfailing love, mercy and grace towards us... Praise Him for no matter where we go, He is near... He is our Strenght, Provider and Help... and He is the One who gives us peace (not wordly peace but the peace that surpasses all understanding - no matter our circumstances!) - Praise Him!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Belief & Prayer

Just a quick note... When the Bible says to pray about everything and to not worry... do it! The Lord is in control and He does hear and answer our prayers!

I hate how at times I struggle with unbelief... really believing that God really wants to answer my prayers... praying but not always believing He will come through for me! It is so wrong... that attitude of my heart! I have many assurances in the Word, of God's love, of His provision - that He listens, answers, provides... as the Word mentions if we parents can give good gifts to our children how much more will our Heavenly Father do for us! Yet, do we always believe that!?

LORD, thank you for Your steadfast love, Your faithfulness... thank you for Your forgiveness... and for the mercy and grace you show towards me continually! Thank you for hearing me and answering my prayers.... All my worry is for not, it is sin - and I am sorry to hurt you in such a way. Thank you for providing for me in sooo many ways this past week!!! You are always there, my constant Strength & Help!

LORD there is no other like you... teach me Your ways, & help me to walk in them all the days of my life. Give me a heart that is undivided - that I may know, love, serve, obey, believe and honor You. To You be the glory forever - Amen.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Power of Prayer

I just recently finished reading Frank E. Peretti's book This Present Darkness. If you haven't heard of it, basically it is fiction that deals with evil & good at war in the world... the side we see as we go about our daily lives and the side we don't see (demons & angels).

I came away from it really thinking about the power of prayer. I know that at times I do take for granted the great power we have in prayer... Do I really believe that prayer is powerful?! Do you? We are told in Scripture that it is so... and yet do we live prayerful, power filled lives? The Word exhorts us to pray at all times, in all circumstances, to pray for the Saints... to pray! To put on the full armor of God wielding the Sword of the Spirit which is the Word and to pray!!! Combined together as I have heard Beth Moore say it is like wielding a stick of dynamite! It is powerful!

Prayer keeps coming up .... and I have to say, Lord I hear you and I am listening! The LORD is waking me up so to speak in regards to prayer... to really seeing prayer the way He sees it, to be faithful in prayer... to understand we truly are at war here - and it is an unseen war that is being waged... flesh/sin against the Spirit, and if you will - yes, even the angelic against the demonic.

Realizing we are at war is only the beginning... from there we must take action. We must learn how to fight this unseen war... How to put on the full armor, to pray. We must not only learn it in our heads but in our hearts and then be faithful, obedient to do it!

I encourage you to look up verses on prayer... and to believe! Believe in our Mighty God and that His Word and promises are true... believe that He listens, believe that He answers... believe even when you can't see ... Prayer is powerful!

Standing on the promises of God!

Sunday, March 8, 2009

Petitions for Life

Please take a look at this weeks post on Changing One Heart for Many. You will find four links on there... Actions you can take to do your part. One is the petition against FOCA, one is stating you do not want tax payer money to fund abortions and one is stating that Doctors should have the freedom/choice to not perform abortions. There is also a link for Red Envelope day!

Check it out & have a blessed day!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Action - Heritage & Lessons Part 2

A follow up to my last post and in response to the comment left.... (Thanks for the questions and making (me) us think!).

If all we do is complain and get angry it accomplishes nothing...just as worry doesn't add a day to our life.... we have to actually do something, even if we are not seeing results at least we are doing our part.

I believe first and foremost we have to PRAY and go to the WORD! We are commanded to pray for those in authority over us ... from our boss at work to our President. Pray for them, pray for our nation, pray for hearts to be turned back toward God. PRAY, PRAY, PRAY... Go to the Word and see the examples of how we should live. A good example being Daniel, but there are many others. As a friend pointed out today, first Daniel resolved not to ... basically live like the unsaved but to live for God, according to His Word and His ways. Daniel was obedient to the authority placed over him unless it conflicted with what he knew was right- what God commanded. He served God first even if that meant he might lose his life. He prayed, he studied God's word, and he strived to live it out... to be a light shining in the darkness.

We have to stop thinking someone else will do it, say it, etc. and look in the mirror and start with doing our part. Get involved... in the things that the LORD lays upon your heart/conscience. As people are fond of saying "put your money where your mouth is"... Donate to your cause, volunteer, educate yourself and others... take action!

VOTE, VOTE, VOTE - Study up on the issues, the candidates and vote according to your conscience. There are issues that are right and wrong... and vote accordingly, to be obedient to God and what is right. One day we do have to answer for what choices we have made... our vote does count. And even when we vote and things do not work out the way we would like... it isn't over. There are issues, bills, etc that come up... email your Representative and voice your thoughts and concerns. There are websites that can send you updates on current issues and that have contact info on them. (Check out Dr. Dobson/Focus on the Family)

Even if our country continues down this current path it is on at least we are doing our part and being honoring/obedient to God. We know in end times things will continue to get worse but we as Christians must continue to be a light in the darkness, speaking truth in love, and living righteously... not to please man but to please & glorify God.

Please leave a comment if you have more ideas or suggestions... I and others would love to hear them!

All in all - the main point is to take ACTION! We just need to do our part... and let God do the rest. At the end of the day (or at the end of this earthly life)... I just want to hear Him say "Well done good and faithful servant."

Check out James 1:19-27

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