This morning my thoughts turned to the LORD and thinking upon His Sovereignty... He is sovereign - over all things - they rest (we rest) in His hands. He knows every hair upon your head; the number of stars in the sky; the sand upon the shore... There is nothing that He does not know and He is always in control.
Nothing happens by chance, luck or fate... God is working out His plan (not to say that He in any way promotes the evil in this world... that is not of God because He is light and no darkness resides in Him). What I am trying to say is that even the Enemy (Satan) has to ask for permission to sift Job, to which God allowed but commanded that Satan could not lay a finger upon Job, himself. And no the sifting was not fun but Job was faithful and he was blessed.
I guess what I am trying to say is that in all the turmoil in this world... many people are afraid. However, for those of us in Christ, what have we to fear? Yes, we should have a holy, godly, reverent fear of God... but if God is for us, what have we to fear?!
May the God of all Creation, the One who knows your name and has it engraved upon His hand, the Prince of Peace let peace reign in your hearts and minds today and always as you trust and walk with Him! Amen!
On a separate note I heard a great message this morning - The Glory of the Lord, check it out! If you prefer to read the transcript click here.
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[image: Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?]
Why are Christians most to be pitied if there’s no resurrection? Don’t we
still experienc...
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