Ok so I have this really great scripture painted on canvas that a friend gave me (Jenny)... And this morning it just really hit me... and I started meditating on it and digging a little deeper... "Though the mountains be shaken and the hills be removed, yet my unfailing love for you will not be shaken nor my covenant of peace be removed," says the LORD, who has compassion on you. Isa. 54:10
I started thinking about how in our lives we have times when our "mountains" are shaken and our "hills" are removed... and what?! I thought about this last year with all the changes (a baby, many moves, leaving friends and the familiar behind to go to the new & unknown)... We all have times like that- they may look different but we still experience times when our world gets shaken up and there are those common comforts (people, places, etc) that are removed from our lives... the big question is - then what? God is so true to His part for those of us who have a relationship with Him... He is faithful and His love does not fail and for those of us who place our trust in Him we experience His peace in the mist of turmoil and/or change... BUT are we experiencing that peace??? Do we just have a head knowledge of God that has not penetrated and permeated our heart? Or do we have such close fellowship that we are experiencing everything He has promised us? As I looked up some of the words in this verse in my concordance I found a few things that stood out to me... the word love in this verse is hesed and it went on to describe that love as unfailing love, loyal love, devotion, kindness (& then it said and this is the part that struck me) often based on a prior relationship, esp. a covenant relationship!!!!! Clue one... if you do not have that prior, grounded relationship with Him how can you then experience all He offers...? You must have Jesus, not in your head but in your heart... a daily on going relationship where you listen to Him, talk to Him... you spend time with Him. The second part was in the word peace which is translated in Hebrew as Salom... peace, safety, prosperity, well-being, intactness, wholeness, (and here is the part that struck me) peace can have a focus of security, safety which can bring feelings of satisfaction, well-being and contentment!!! Ok so what is our FOCUS? Is our focus Christ? Is He our security, our safety that brings us feelings of satisfaction, well-being and contentment in the mist of this life we are living on earth? Just things to ponder, to search our hearts and test... to press on as Paul says... to run the race for the crown that last! Are we living the abundant life? Are we living for the Kingdom of God? Are we living for the Person of Christ or for our own ideals and desires? He did not come to leave us as we are but to change and transform us into who He created us to be... my earnest prayer is "LORD change me"... create in me a new heart, one that is circumcised to you, fully devoted - that when the "mountains" are shaken and the "hills" removed... I stand firm, steadfast because I have placed my all (trust, faith, hope, love) not in myself but in Christ, my Rock! May I experience all that He has promised and longs to give me.... He offers us sooo much - and He does the work, but we must yield to Him, we must come to Him... seek Him with all our heart. Can we do that? It is a choice... To live a life fully lived to the glory of God or to live a fleeting, self purposed life with no eternal crown... What is your choice? The victory is in Christ alone.
Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?
[image: Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?]
Why are Christians most to be pitied if there’s no resurrection? Don’t we
still experienc...
16 hours ago
1 Remarks:
I actually wrote this on July 22, 2008 as a note on a different site.
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