Moreover David was greatly distressed because the people spoke of stoning him, for all the people were embittered, each one because of his sons and his daughters. But David strengthened himself in the LORD his God.
1 Samuel 30:6 NASB
The word strengthened here is chazaq - it means to fasten upon; hence to seize, to be strong [figurative] courageous [causative] bind.
In times of distress we must choose to strengthen ourselves in the LORD our God. We must fasten upon, seize, cling to and be strong in the LORD. Hold fast to Him, believe Him, trust Him, depend upon the One who is our Rock and our Salvation... He is God alone and there is no other. He is the supreme God; the one true God - our Creator, Lord, King...
Praise be to You our Abba Father who is our Strength & our Shield in times of distress and always. You who goes before us to prepare the way and You who is our rear guard - You who is always present, always near... who carries us ... Glory be to You!
I have been doing the scripture memory verse challenge and how it has blessed me... that combined with just being daily in God's word... and in prayer... The Holy Spirit has brought to mind exactly what I needed to remember and think upon at just the right time... I have had a peace and a joy that surpasses my understanding and I know it is from the Lord...
He has touched my life and my heart so tenderly and has been speaking truth to me and teaching me... I am so humbled and grateful. I have so much to be thankful for...
Thinking upon my many blessings - counting them one by one at night and remembering them in the morning... How it has changed my attitude, my outlook, my heart and peace.
I just want to praise my Savior who has been so good to me!
LORD lead me by Your will & in Your light & ways... Steady my feet upon Your path. You are my hope and my strength all day long... I cry out to You & know that You hear me and answer. Thank you oh my LORD & faithful Savior! All praise belongs to You ... forever and ever. Amen.
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