Have you read in the OT about God bringing His people out of Egypt and taking them through the wilderness? ... They were headed to the Promise Land. However, not all of them made it... because even though God provided for all their needs and was with them, even though He had rescued them, even though He was going to greatly bless them... they didn't appreciate it, they didn't appreciate Him, they grumbled, they complained, they worshipped other gods, and they didn't believe... just to name a few.
Have you read the book of Hosea? In it is represented the story of God and His people... The Lord & His Bride - Hosea represents God and Gomer represents God's people... The book tells of Hosea being told to find a wife, and even beforehand he is warned that she will be unfaithful... and yet he will take her back. If you have a chance check out the Francine Rivers book called Redeeming Love, it is a fictional account based upon the book of Hosea and is so good. Any way... maybe you can see where I am heading with all this???
It is amazing to me the love and faithfulness of our God! His ways and thoughts are so much higher than our own! Because if that had been me I would have long ago said let me forget these people and move on... I wouldn't have wanted to take my unfaithful spouse back... no in our flesh we want what is easy, what makes us feel good even if it is just for the moment... we do not have an eternal grasp/big picture here... it is the here and now and I want, I want, I want... I don't deserve this, gratify me, serve me, please me, I am right, on and on I could go...
I have been reading James MacDonald's book LORD, CHANGE MY ATTITUDE - Before it's too late. If you have a chance it is a very good read and more importantly has a lot of biblical & applicable truth in it. He talks in the book about how God is displeased with (our unholy) attitude (our heart), and how we can never enter His rest, or our promised land when we are continually bringing this sin before Him. It is not just enough to see & recognize these attitudes that displease God but we also have to replace them with godly attitudes or we are worse off than before... Out with the "sin" in with the "spirit" so to speak... any way...
I have been thinking about all these things and I confess I need the Spirit to do some work on me... I can see now how I have been like these Israelites in my heart, attitude... when things are not the way I want them, when things are hard going through the "wilderness"... I want, I want. When I should be so thankful for what I have, for what God has done, is doing and is going to do!!! I have decided to believe God, not my flesh, not the lies of the enemy but God who is truth and love. God who is faithful, God who has promised me so much more than I can ever deserve... GOD IS FAITHFUL!!! Believe Him and hold tight to the promises He has given! Believe Him for your promised land and do not get waylaid now or permanently in your wilderness time...
The world and our flesh tell us differently... we are so temporal... but this life is nothing, and I mean nothing if we can grasp that, compared to eternity with our Heavenly Father! Oh the riches of that!!! I know someone going through a difficult time right now... and she was given some advice that just stopped me in my tracks... she was told to pray (yes that is good) but then she was told she deserved better and she should get a divorce! Whoaaaa! Wait a second... When we get married (in a Christian marriage) it is a vow, a COVENANT between you, your spouse and GOD!!! God takes this very seriously... this is not something to take lightly. God HATES divorce... When you vow to love, honor and cherish for better or for worse ... well God expects you to mean it. It doesn't mean as long as it is convenient for you, as long as you are happy, as long as you feel "love" .... Remember you vowed for better OR WORSE. Well right now might be a worse time... it might be an unbearable time to you but I tell you please take it to God... pray, pray, pray... pray blessings over the one who has hurt you, I ask you to do this not just for their sake but mostly for your benefit that you do not become bitter and hardhearted. Arm yourself .... put on the full armor of God. Take memory cards with verses that speak to you every where you go... and pray them! Do not let the enemy have a foot hold here... as much as you can - love that other person. We are commanded to love our enemies, we are told to preserver... it will not be easy!!! But you are not doing it for them... you are doing it for God and for you! Remember that you can do ANYTHING through Him who gives you strength - anything!!!! (See Phil. 4:13)
If you are struggling in your marriage or in any other difficult situation take it first to God and if you get counsel, make sure it is from a godly Christian and that what they advice you lines up with scripture!!! If it doesn't well think again... Do not take your commitments, vows, covenant lightly... God had told us as much as we can on our part to forgive, to love... He made the allowance for divorce in the case of adultery but even in that it was only because of our hardheartedness... He still doesn't want divorce... “I hate divorce,” says the LORD God of Israel" Mal. 2:16a. "Jesus replied, “Moses permitted you to divorce your wives because your hearts were hard. But it was not this way from the beginning." Matt. 19:8. Notice Moses permitted it... because of what? Their hearts were hard! These are the same people who grumbled and complained and worshiped other gods and did not enter into the Promise Land!!!!
Remember that this life really isn't about us - you or me... It is all about GOD!!! We are not promised that living on this earth will be easy... However we have promises that we can take to the bank... Memorize scripture, pray it, pray, pray... God's word does not go out and come back void... Remember you have a mighty God who can do ANYTHING... believe Him, trust Him... and walk faithfully and obediently with Him no matter what circumstances you are in. Remember that what we do we are doing for God! Not to please man, not to make ourselves look better, etc... Please do not think that I do not understand how hard and difficult many of the circumstances are that surround the body of Christ - marriages, sickness, death, persecution, on and on... Go to the Word, get on your knees and pray... Remember that there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God - not trouble, hardship, persecution, famine, death, life, angels, demons, on and on... nothing can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord (Romans 8:35-39). He is always near... however we can by our thoughts, actions, hard hearts distance ourselves from the Lord.... we do it, not Him... if we turn around (repent) He is right there, open arms, loving, forgiving. But when our focus is not on Him, we should be careful... it is easy to stumble or fall. The great news is He is there waiting to lift us back up... arm out stretched and waiting ... Oh that we could just keep our eyes on Him!
Remember none of us are perfect, all have sinned... Yet in Christ we are forgiven a debt greater than we can ever repay... how can we then not forgive another (see Matt. 18:21-35). Love one another, pray and encourage one another, forgive... and give your burdens over to the Lord leave them with Him. We can not change another person, we can not even change ourselves - we need the power of the Holy Spirit at work in us for that. Honestly it is not our job... we are to called to love - yes that means speaking truth to others (in love), but we are not called to change them, we can not save someone, we cannot make them repent... all of that is between them & God. We are just called to be witnesses, to love - to do our part... we cannot do God's.
Thank you for letting me share my heart with you today... I hope that this may encourage you or benefit you in some way.... all to the glory of God!!!
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
[image: Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy]
We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society.
We feel it in ourselves.
Many, to ...
15 hours ago
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