As I sat down today and opened up my quiet time with prayer the LORD laid upon my heart to read the first portion of Isaiah 59 and then blew me away. What He spoke to my heart is not something new to me however; it is very pertinent to what is going on in our Nation. I am here LORD, I am listening, I will obey… Here is what He shared with me:
(During the time of Isaiah the prophet there were parents sacrificing their children to idols. Today our Nation condones the sacrifice of the unborn to the idol called Choice. It is an industry that is full of lies and greed, it is corrupt and it leads the people astray – in its wake follows desolation, destruction and certainly not peace. –This is my side note).
Isaiah 59:3 – For your hands are defiled with blood
And your fingers with iniquity; Your lips have spoken falsehood,
Your tongue mutters wickedness. (NASB)
I have seen in our Nation a great evil called Choice (i.e. Abortion). It covers our Nation’s hands in blood. It is corrupt, this industry that tells falsehoods and lies (“it is not a baby”, “it feels nothing”) to make money never mind the destruction in its wake... The hurt, desolation, grief, guilt, and shame it reaps upon our Nation’s men and women. It tells them lies that they will be fine – that everything will be normal again (as it was before this choice) once this procedure is done. An untrue statement if I have ever heard one. This choice ends a life – no one in the Choice camp wants to admit this but it is true. And even if you don’t want to admit it somewhere deep inside you know it is true. This choice will often leave in its wake physical, emotional, and spiritual damage. It manifests itself in the lives of men and women in different ways… none the less the damage is there.
There are fathers who grieve the loss who had no choice. There are fathers who come to grieve who did. There are mothers who are led astray, who are fed lies and platitudes and who then are the ones who have to deal with the aftermath. The child is not the only victim in this sin we call Choice. Now our Nation wants to call this Healthcare!
LORD how far we have fallen from You! How can Your eyes bear to look upon this Nation steeped in sin, covered in the blood of babies?!
Verse 4 – No one sues righteously and no one pleads honestly. They trust in confusion and speak lies; They conceive mischief and bring forth iniquity.
How true are these words for the abortion industry. Show us LORD the truth, open our eyes to see – our ears to hear – LORD forgive us, may this Nation return to YOU in repentance. I grieve… As I know You must grieve too.
Verse 6b – 8. Their works are works of iniquity, And an act of violence is in their hands. Their feet run to evil, And they hasten to shed innocent blood; Their thoughts are thoughts of iniquity, Devastation and destruction are in their highways. They do not know the way of peace, And there is not justice in their tracks; They have made their paths crooked, Whoever treads on them does not know peace.
WOW! LORD wow – it is so true. Why can people not see? Are their hearts so hardened and their eyes blinded to the truth!?! Let them SEE, HEAR and KNOW – Make them understand LORD please!
This is not what I expected to hear from you today LORD – yet I know it is right and it is exactly what needed to be read and heard. As our Nation’s elected leaders refuse to listen to the voice of the people and are pushing through their agenda. It seems the abortion industry and many in D.C. are walking hand in hand – their plan – their profit. The profit of the wicked made upon the blood of the unborn. It is wickedness!
How? How can this be?! How is this healthcare? How is this even allowed? Condoned? We are speaking of lives here – babies – humans! And yet it is as if they cannot see – they are blinded to this truth…hearts hardened and peace will not be found in this. How can it, when the cries of the unborn are heard by You LORD?! You hear, You know… Just as Abel’s blood cried out to you (Gen. 4:10) so does the blood of the millions of unborn sacrificed to the idol of Choice. You see … nothing is hidden from You. LORD I cannot get over it – and nor should I be able to.
O LORD if only we would turn to You in repentance, if only we would seek redemption and You would roll away the reproach of this Nation (Joshua 5:9)! LORD if we would repent and come to You there is forgiveness without measure and redemption. There is healing to be found under Your wings… Healing for men and women who are desolate and in pain… Healing for this Nation gone astray. You offer healing to hearts, minds and more… If we would but turn to You.
Forgive us and lead us in the ways and paths of righteousness. LORD make our paths straight and light the way before us that we may not stumble and fall. If we do, You are faithful and You are there to lift us up and set our feet again on solid ground.
(Isaiah 6:9-10).
LORD awaken this Nation. Bring healing to our land. Great are our trespasses but they cannot surpass Your grace and Your unfailing love to those who call on Your Name. Call on Him!
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[image: Are Christians Happier Than Non-Christians in This Life?]
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15 hours ago
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Hello. This is my first time here. I have seen you around Melinda's Traveling the Road Home and now at Tammy's blog. Thank you for linking your post oh hers.
I am Darlene and I am a post-abortive woman. Isn't it amazing when God puts something on our hearts and/or whispers in our ears His divine Truth?! If you are interested, please visit my ministry site. And if you feel led, please share it with others.
I am thankful to be able to stand shoulder to shoulder with other women proclaiming God's Truth and speaking out for Life.
Here is how Healing Hearts, Renewing Minds got started...
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