Monday, April 27, 2009

Our Creator & laminin!!!

Please, please take the time to watch this video (about 8 mins.)... it is sooo worth it! We have such a creative, awesome Creator!!! Be blessed!

Also, you can google laminin.

Friday, April 24, 2009


Last night before I went to be I felt led to read out of Ps. 32... Verses 7-8 stood out to me and I wanted to share my thoughts on it with you.

For you are my hiding place;
you protect me from trouble.
You surround me with songs of victory.
The LORD says, "I will guide you along the best pathway for your life.
I will advice you and watch over you."
Psalm 32:7-8 (NLT)
When I read verse 7, Col. 3:3 immediately came to my mind.
"For you died, and your life is now hidden with Christ in God."
Col. 3:3
It also reminded me of the victory we have in Christ:
"But thanks be to God! He gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."
1 Cor. 15:57
"No, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him who loved us."
Romans 8:37
"for everyone born of God overcomes the world. This is the victory that has overcome the world, even our faith. Who is it that overcomes the world? Only he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God."
1 John 5:4-5
First let me encourage you to look up these verses and read them all in context... there is so much more to all this than what I have time to say right now... But in the simplest way - these thoughts, these words brought me peace, hope, and a joy beyond my understanding. I am hidden with Christ in God, the LORD is my hiding place!!! He protects me and in the NIV v. 7 says he protects me from trouble and surrounds me with songs of deliverance! NASB says God preserves me from trouble and again says deliverance. God delivers, God saves, God gives us victory!!! Oh, let that sink in!
In Christ we are more than conquerors! We are victorious!!! Victorious over death, victorious because there is nothing that can separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus! We can overcome the world! Victory! Victorious - shout it out, let it sink in deep into your heart & mind & spirit... We are free - we are loved - we are safe - we are secure - we are protected - we are victorious in Christ Jesus!!! Oh how sweet is that! Again, I say let that truth penetrate deep into your heart!
And lest I forget v. 8 - He will guide us along the best pathway for our lives, He will advice us and watch over us. What have we to fear?! Oh, blessed, blessed are we! Open your ears to hear and your eyes to see... abide & let the Spirit led you & advice you. He will show you the best way!
My prayer for you & I today comes from Phil. 1:9-11.
How great and awesome is our mighty God! He who saves! He is the Eternal, Everlasting God - full of mercy and a love so great we can not even fathom it! Seek Him, know Him and love Him more and more every day!
To Him be the praise and the glory forever! Amen!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Boldness in Truth

Hello! I hope you had a blessed Easter - praising our Risen Lord!!! I have been reading in Thessalonians the last few days... and many things have stuck out to me. Alas, I do not have time to really get into the meaty stuff right now with you... but there are some awesome insights and instructions!

I just wanted to share with you briefly a few that stood out to me...

"but after we had already suffered and been mistreated in Philippi, as you know, we had the boldness in our God to speak to you the gospel of God amid much opposition. For our exhortation does not come from error or impurity or by way of deceit; but just as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel, so we speak, not as pleasing men, but God who examines our hearts." 1 Thessalonians 2:2-4

"But examine everything carefully; hold fast to that which is good; abstain from every form of evil." 1 Thessalonians 5:21-22

These verses made me think about how we (in the US) as Christians have so much freedom to be bold in speaking the gospel... it shamed me to think how weak I have been at times - letting myself, fear, or something hold me back from what I should share. I have no excuse... How I pray for a boldness from God to speak Truth in Love no matter the circumstances, the person... to do as He has commanded. After all what we are sharing is GOOD NEWS! It brings life to those who embrace it... and even if they do not we at least in hope and in love shared... & hopefully planted a seed that will bloom later in their heart.

Here Paul mentions after being mistreated & suffering they were still bold even amid much opposition! Desiring to tell others the great gift and message we as Christians have been entrusted with - and they spoke not as pleasing to men, speaking words that make them feel good about their sinful state... but speaking truth that has the power to save & bring good to those who believe. They spoke not for their own glory... they spoke to please God who examines and knows our hearts.

There are those (as I have mentioned before) who like to take bits of truth and mix it with deception... misleading people away from the Truth. I love how we are exhorted to examine everything carefully! EVERYTHING! And to hold fast to that which is good - not meaning that which we like to hear but that which is truth- good. Too many times we can become guilty of just believing whatever we hear, read or are taught... Humans are fallible... and some seek to deceive (knowingly or unknowingly). We have to examine what others claim to be truth against what is truth - the Word! If you hear something in a sermon and get this feeling like it just doesn't sound right... check things out for yourself... If you are reading a book and it is instructing you or teaching you something that does not coincide with Scripture even though it says it is a Christian book... put it down and search out the truth of the Word. Whatever the case may be (by hearing, reading, seeing...) check it out, examine it carefully. Not seeking to find or prove what you want to hear but what is the black and white truth of the Word. Remember to always look at the Word in context... There are those who like to take a verse and twist it this way or that so that the way they interpret it does not even resemble the intent and meaning of the verse.

I know I may seem to be stressing this point a lot but I really don't think you can stress it too much. In our current times we are being bombarded with half truths, deception, lies... We have to choose to search out for ourselves, to educate ourselves - that we may know and understand and have great insight into what is TRUTH and what is best... Not what the world or even those who claim to be shepherds say.... because there are false teachers out there! Believe me I have heard them speak, I have seen their words... and it doesn't line up with the Truth!

This is something that troubles me, that really gets me going... these false teachers. When I think of the many who are seeking and are being mislead it just tears me up. Please, please read the Word for yourself. Study it, know it, live it! Cling to what is good and abstain from every form of evil, as this is right & pleasing to God. Not to mention it is so much more freeing living in the Spirit than living a life of the flesh/sin.

Seek, Study, Know & Live it!!!

PS- ok I know I said briefly, but - well I tried!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

Set to Seek the LORD

Hello! - sorry it has been a little while. I wanted to share my musings from reading in 2 Chronicles today... I was reading and meditating on Chapters 11 & 12.

I will highlight a few things and then get down to what has been replaying through my mind...
When Solomon's son, Rehoboam came into power he did a foolish thing - he rejected the wisdom/advice from the Elders and instead decided to take the advice of his guy friends/peers so to speak... (See ch. 10 - v.8...). This is where the division comes into play between Judah (& Benjamin) from the rest of Israel.

In Ch. 11 we learn that the priests & Levites from all of Israel stood with him from all their districts. In part because Jeroboam (leader of Israel) decides to setup his own idols and priests (v. 14-15). Verse 16 tells us that those who's hearts were set on seeking the LORD God of Israel followed the priests & Levites to Jerusalem to sacrifice to the LORD God of their fathers!

There appears to be this little side note in v.17 - and they strenghtened the kingdom... remember this for later. It also says for 3 years... I kept thinking why just 3yrs... well we are getting there.

In Chapter 12 the very first verse tells us something important - a life lesson. It says that when the kingdom of Rehoboam was established & strong that he and all of Israel with him forsook the law of the LORD! Don't pass that by... remember verse 17... these people came with hearts to seek and sacrifice to the LORD God... and sometime after things got good they forsook the LORD! What happened from the time of their coming to the forsaking??? Where did their heart focus/seeking go? Did they get too comfortable? Pride maybe?

It brought to mind how at times when things start going good, we can stop focusing on the LORD like we do in times of distress... How we can start to think everything is fine, I am good, look at what I have accomplished, I am in control - whatever, you get the point! However, we should know that is most certainly not the case. God is always in control & He is the one who helps us, blesses us and provides for us. (It reminds me once again of the path our nation is heading down...).

Ok, so back to my earlier mention about the 3 years... enters verse 2 - It says in the 5th year of King Rehoboam's reign... So from the earlier verses we know they followed and sought the LORD for 3 years... and then they started straying away... so here we are two years later- They had been unfaithful to the LORD, and because of this enters the enemy. It made me think of our spiritual battle between the flesh & spirit and the enemy we face. When we take our eye off of God, when we go our own way, when we sin and seek other things to place before God in our lives.... our guard is down, our heart is wrong... and we are an easy target for the enemy, when we have left the shelter and protection of God's longer under his covering. They forsook God! It didn't really take all that go from being on top to the bottom as you will see.

So faced with the enemy - the King and people humble themselves and proclaim "The LORD is righteous.". And because of their humbling themselves God does not destroy them but gives them some measure of deliverance. They had brought disaster upon themselves but the LORD still helped them. They were not destroyed but they had to learn a lesson... (oh if we would only learn from history, from our mistakes and seek the LORD with all of our heart for all of our days!!!).

Verse 8 tells us that God allowed them to become slaves that they might learn the difference between His service and the service of the kingdoms of the countries (the world). Boy, is there a big difference between being in the service of the LORD - true freedom, life, blessings, love, forgiveness... and being in the service- enslaved, in bondage to sin, to the world!

This brought to mind (here and in other cases) as there is a moral decline/move away from God/righteousness, things going really well to seeing a decline not just morally but culturally... Things get good, we move away from God - we become prideful, things then start going bad..... v. 9 tells us that the enemy took all the gold (all, everything of value) ... it made me think of what that represents. Gold being of high value, a pure and precious metal... is stolen, taken away. We have within us something far more precious and valuable than gold - for those in Christ Jesus- that can NEVER be taken away! Praise the LORD!!! However maybe it is represenative of those perishable things we treasure above our God... They are a gift from him to be enjoyed and for His purposes, but never to be worshiped or sought after/desired above Him. These perishable things can not give us security - only God is our security.

God is so good, even when we are not... He loves a repentant, humble heart... in Him we find salvation and mercy. Check out 12:12... the king humbled himself & was not destroyed and then conditions in Judah were good.

To sum it all up... I have been thinking of how people can seem to start out going the right way & then along the way they forsake the LORD... ex. Solomon with all his wisdom and knowledge of God, in his last days worshiped other gods... and here his son (v.14)- did evil because he did not set his heart to seek the LORD. There are so many other examples... but just focusing on this lesson for today - I see people who left their tribes (Israelites) to go to Jerusalem with the priest & Levites to worship the LORD... they had set it in their hearts! Of course these are OT believers... and they did not have the advantage we have in Christ - the gift of the Holy Spirit within us.... Yet, we are warned and encouraged in the NT to not live by the ways of the flesh but of the spirit, to run the good race, to love God with all of our heart, mind, soul & strength... and so on. I do not in any way believe that if you are saved and have received the Holy Spirit that you can loose your salvation... So don't misunderstand what I am saying in this regard. I just think about the parable of the seeds... and other such things. About people being led astray from their sincere and pure devotion to Christ.... and I don't want that!

It seems to me that we have to choose, to seek - with all our heart to stay the course - to be obedient; to live & walk in obedience; to know, understand, believe & love with all our hearts, minds, soul & strength. Daily we must choose... in our flesh we wander, we have no strength... however, as we abide in the Spirit we have incredible power at work in us! We can live transformed lives all our days... The other big thing I keep thinking about is how we have to have the RELATIONSHIP with G0d - to know & love Him... Having a real, on going relationship gives us the heart/love, focus and ability to do these things - because we are not doing it for ourselves but out of love for God. We need a healthy balance of the Word/Truth... some don't like correction and only want to hear pleasant things... have warm fuzzy feelings. But I tell you those warm fuzzy feelings will fade at times as crisis arise, sort of like the seed that grew up on the rock but had no roots and withered. These chapters also make me think of those who were chocked by the weeds -they let the cares, worries and pleasures of this world keep them from maturing! We have to be rooted in Christ... in the Word - in Truth, because our heart is deceitful above all else. The Word grounds us and shines a light into our hearts, lives and shows us the way... Hand & hand... How blessed we are in Christ - we have been given so much!!! Love, forgiveness, salvation, the Word, the Holy Spirit - we can pray/talk to God directly (us sinners, who have been washed clean by the blood of the Lamb!), we are set free & empowered to live beyond ourselves - to live for God!

I say all this to encourage you (& myself) to keep our eyes, hearts and minds on the things that are eternal & lasting - to keep our focus on Christ!

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