Upon awakening this morning the Spirit guided me to read Psalm 65. Specifically starting in verse 7 - confirmation and an interesting follow-up to yesterdays post. Read it all if you have a chance and praise Him, He is so worthy!
Just a little while ago while I sat to spend time with Him and hear from Him, He showed me something. Yes, maybe something you know or have heard before but it so resonated with my heart today. I was thanking Him for my children and telling Him that though they each have their "issues" I wouldn't trade them for anything, I love them so! They are my beloved, little ones, precious in my sight and no matter what they may do or say, I will always love them.
And here it comes - He loves me & you like that! Steeped in sin, failing, falling, lazy, anxious, sick, you name it - whatever, we come with - He takes us as we are and He loves us. No, because He loves us so much He will not leave us that way... He will in every way possible seek to teach us; guide us to live righteously; to make right choices; to be and live healthily; to love - Him & others; to care for others and their needs; to be healthy in every way. That is His desire and heart for us and for any good parent - right!?!
He loves us. He loves YOU, let that sink in. He loves us so much that He planned from before time a way to have me and you with Him forever. He came to the cross knowing my sin and your sin. Having that sin laid upon Him, He took it and then carried it away - away, as in as far as the east is to the west. As my Pastor once pointed out... You can travel north and at some point you start going south or the other way around BUT if you travel east you will always be heading east, it does not become the west. You can not do it! Our sins are so far away we will not even have a chance of running into it again! Amazing is it not!!! Back to what I was saying - He loved me and you there in our sin, He didn't love us only after He removed our sin and carried it away - the bible says that while we were STILL in our sin He died for us. Think about it... while in our sin we are separated from God, enemies - and yet, He chose to come and die for us that we might be with Him forever, that He might save and redeem us, ransom us from the captivity we were in... THAT IS LOVE!
He did all of that to call us beloved, the apple of His eye, His child, precious, wanted, accepted, embraced, forgiven, cared for ... He will NEVER leave me (or you), nor forsake me. His Word tells us that as a nursing mother cannot forget the child at her breast nor can He forget us. When I think of the amazing love and bond between a mother and child - wow! YET it PAILS in comparison to the love He has for us!!!
How can you not sing His praises, love Him, worship Him - our Redeemer, Creator, Provider, our ABBA!?! How can you not want to please Him? Young children seek and long for their parents praise and approval, should we and do we not also want to hear that from Him?! Affirmation, well done... What great, amazing, unfailing, faithful, never ending, hard to fully fathom love He has for us, His children!
Run to Him today - cry out to Him, Abba! Fall into His open arms and love Him. Sit with Him and listen to Him, lean on Him and obey Him. Bask in the glow of His love and affection for you, His grace, mercy, peace and joy! He shines so much brighter than the sun... true warmth that fills and transforms and saves!
May He be your first love and may you love Him with the child like faith and love that children have... How wonderful and precious that is.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
[image: Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy]
We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society.
We feel it in ourselves.
Many, to ...
12 hours ago
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