It has been quite a week for me... conflicts, surprises (not of the fun kind), changes, stressors... on and on I could go. Yet in the face of all this I know there is the Lord who is seated on His throne and who reigns... He reigns and is in control... And it is my hope, my prayer that He reigns in me. I should also mention that I have seen God show up for me, strengthen me and help me through these times... He is faithful, He is my Strength and my help.
I fail at times, miserably, to be that lamp on a stand, city on a hill... yet He is always faithful and He is always there - with me. He has never failed me and He never will. The enemy may come at me but the enemy will not prevail because Christ has defeated the enemy ... When all is said and done the enemy can not snatch me away from my Heavenly Father... my destiny is sealed. I am a child of God. I am a daughter of the King of kings, Lord of lords... I am loved, accepted, blessed, chosen, adopted, redeemed, forgiven... My Father knows my name. He knows everything about me... and He loves me. My Abba will not forget me nor forsake me. His love surrounds me and I pray it will fill me... and overflow.
How mighty is our God! How mighty He is to save! Full of grace, love & truth... He came to set the sinner free... to redeem us and now He is preparing a place for us to live with Him for all of eternity. I think about that and I try not to skim over it because as I ponder it, it occurs to me that He is preparing a place specifically for me, for you, and what that means... To me it means it will be full of special touches that He uses to speak to me of His love, of who He created me to be ... it will be personal. Personal! He is a personal God, not a God far away... And just look at nature or our complex make up and you will see that He is a God of details, depth, beauty and so much more... Does it thrill you to know that to Him you are special, you are beloved ... His treasure?! Wow! Let Him be the treasure of your heart, of your life.
Thrill me O Lord - You thrill me with Your love, grace and beauty... You awe me and delight me to the depths of my soul. Thank you Lord for choosing me, for loving me, for redeeming me, for calling me Yours, for accepting me yet not leaving me in my sin but transforming me continually to reflect you - to be holy, to be set apart.... There is no one like You, You alone are God and You alone are worthy of all praise! Glory be to You forever!
I must remember... Remember and turn to You and trust You completely. Why worry or be anxious? These things shall pass, they are not eternal and You are in control. Help me Lord to find the joy and blessing you have for me in these opportunities... to see what You see and to live in a way that pleases and honors you. Help me to not be consumed with fleshly things like bitterness, worry, anger... but to instead grow in Christ likeness ... Open the eyes of my heart Lord... Open my heart, mind - all, to more of You, to Your will... for Your name's sake and glory, let it be. Thank you Jesus - My Redeemer and the lover of my soul.
Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy
[image: Use Your Body in the Fight for Joy]
We have a love-hate relationship with the human body. We see it in society.
We feel it in ourselves.
Many, to ...
11 hours ago